

Pank Jit Sin

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  • in reply to: P. tweediei and alfredi – update Dec. 2014 #7732
    Pank Jit Sin

    I’m rather worried about the presence of vittatus and anabas… these are rather destructive and extremely hardy fishes – in fact their presence can spell destruction for other blackwater species, IMHO.

    in reply to: P. tweediei and alfredi – update Dec. 2014 #7727
    Pank Jit Sin

    That’s great news. We really need more people to be interested in these frail beauties. My email address is Would greatly appreciate those pictures.
    Durian is currently off-season, you’re safe… for now… 🙂

    in reply to: P. tweediei and alfredi – update Dec. 2014 #7535
    Pank Jit Sin

    Sorry for the confusion, Peter Finke..
    Peter Beyer, did you get any pictures of the area in Sedili?

    in reply to: P. tweediei and alfredi – update Dec. 2014 #7526
    Pank Jit Sin

    Looking forward to your next visit here, too, Peter! You know what to bring. 😉
    In return, you will get durian.

    in reply to: Current situation in Sarawak #4942
    Pank Jit Sin

    Good to hear that, Christian. Perhaps if anyone wants to make a trip to West Malaysia, you can go collecting P.harveyi. Since the destruction a few years back, the population of fishes has shifted towards a more parosphremenus heavy pattern. B.livida and B.hipposideros can be found in very small amounts in the small tributaries feeding into the (now) river heading towards Sungai Besar.

    in reply to: Actual stock list #4096
    Pank Jit Sin

    wow… I am really interested in some of those species. I wonder what’s the minimum order like.

    in reply to: Actual stock list #4092
    Pank Jit Sin

    just to know his labyrinth stocklist so I can order from him. 😀

    in reply to: Actual stock list #4066
    Pank Jit Sin

    thanks for helping, Peter.

    in reply to: Actual stock list #4059
    Pank Jit Sin

    i’ve tried contacting patrick of singapore but he’s really unresponsive. It’s sad that we have to go through the roundabout route to get licorice gouramies.

    in reply to: Severe drought in Western Malaysia #4058
    Pank Jit Sin

    Hi there Peter, I wonder if you have managed to get an update on the location of P. tweediei from Christian Hinz.

    Over here, we’re managed to find P. harveyi in relative abundance after the widening of the shallow creeks that used to be home to B. livida as well. Now, livida is almost nowhere to be seen while the entire length is populated by a (sparse) population of P. harveyi. Nature has a way of recovering if left well alone. The entire stretch of river flanking the road leading from Tanjung Malim to Sungai Besar looks nothing like it did 2 years ago when they cleared the forests nearby and widened/deepened the river. In fact, there is little to show of the devastation that occured 2 years ago.

    This bodes well for the species.
    Najib has his hands on a pair, which seem to be showing signs of spawning. C.way has his hands full at the moment, having finished his studies and is now hunting for a job. 🙂 anyone has a stay-at-home job for our young paros expert? 🙂

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #3718
    Pank Jit Sin

    Yes, fish like B.channoides, B.taeniata and B. enisae tend to die soon after I dose with MG. I don’t have that problem when i use Mardel Coppersafe and Nifurpirinol in combination.

    in reply to: Treating ich (Ichthyophthirius) white spot decease #3716
    Pank Jit Sin

    Hi there Dezz, I’ve found that malachite green doesn’t work well with wild paros and bettas (in my personal experience only). Instead, I found that the combination of nifurpirinol and coppersafe, both at lower doses than suggested, help to eradicate ich and velvet within hours.

    Hope this experience helps.

    in reply to: New information regarding P. tweediei #3715
    Pank Jit Sin

    That certainly is good news Peter. How about the supposed change of Alfredi to Nagyi at the previous location we went to a couple of years back? I’ve been getting reports that no alfredi can be found.

    in reply to: The water #3690
    Pank Jit Sin

    Well, over here we’re really blessed by having softwater available from the tap. I know some who collect rainwater and sometimes when it’s dry, we just age the water for a couple of weeks.
    It’s easy to add some peat. I can keep them alive for a long time, but i can’t breed them. I think my place is too warm.

    in reply to: Back from excursion #3604
    Pank Jit Sin

    Yes Chris, that’s the one I’m talking about.

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