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  • in reply to: how to cycle the tank. #5109

    Thank you Peter for this very clear and detailed method, it is offering a great help.. Maybe this content should be something like a sticky on the forum.

    Gonna get some more rainwater from my garden. I has better parameters then the RO water that i can get here. Will start tomorrow with your method, maybe I will shoot some photo’s of the proces.

    in reply to: how to cycle the tank. #5106

    okey, thank you for the info. Will start doing that tomorrow.

    in reply to: how to cycle the tank. #5104

    So my paro tank is now cycling a week with a small cornerfilter ( will be removed later). I did made a mistake by having 2/3 rainwater ( good parameters ) and 1/3 tapwater. Is it wise to empty the tank till I have only like 10% left and top off the rest with new rainwater. Will this destroy the balance?

    in reply to: how to cycle the tank. #5102

    That’s that point. Because of the extreem soft water, makes waiting longer then 1 week pointless? Or are there some bacteria needed in these kind of water?

    in reply to: Introducing myself & set-up questions #5062

    Thank you people for the advice. Note to myself: only use RO or rainwater.

    This is giving me some questions. Is it smart to empty the the tank till 1/2 or 1/3 of the total volume?
    Total volume is 30L, at the moment it’s filled with 21L of water ( 14L rainwater and 7L tapwater ).
    there are some plants and a piece of wood in it.

    What is a reliable testset for water parameters? One without strips please.

    ! : I don’t know what to expect. Just wanted a balaced tank with the right parameters.Was a bad idea to ad tapwater.
    Will try to test my water as soon as I’m home at Friday.

    : The plant substrate was at the aquarium kit that i got presented.
    I only used it in a small amount, 1cm thick and only in a corner thst cover max 1/4 of the bottom the tank. The water threatment products where in the kit to, did only used the water threat ment for the 7L tapwater that i used, in mind thst it could not harm.

    Because I’m in Aachen for my work, I did a small walk in the city and found a cheap euro store that where selling small coffe machines for €5,-. So I picked 1 up for some testing.
    I want to put some pulverized/shredded oak leaves in the filter section and run the machine on rainwater. Wanna test the water and wanna look if I can use it to tane the water en lower the PH.

    in reply to: Introducing myself & set-up questions #5037

    The cube is only filled 2/3 total so the other 1/3 will be filled with some more of the same rain water later. In the shop they adviced me to ad only a 1/4 of the total volume with normal tap water els some of my values would crash. The next 1/3 of rainwater will be heated and is going through a coffee filter with crushed/shredded to get a the PH more down, something similar like running it through a coffe machine.

    in reply to: Introducing myself & set-up questions #5035

    Did get a Dennerle Nano Cube 30L from my girlfriend for my birthday yesterday. A total suprise, but a good one. The sad thing is I have to work in Aachen for the next 2 weeks ( 400km away from my home in Stuttgart ).Not to bad because I can use those 2 weeks to cycle the tank.

    So between breakfast and my party I rushed to the garden of the opa of my girlfriend to fill up some 10l water bottles with rain water. Did drive to a big pet (kölle-zoo) here, did bring a small sample of rainwater with me to get it tested. PH 5,5 – GK 0 – KH 0 – Nitrite <0,025 mg/l - Nitrate <2 mg/l - conductance 24 µS/cm. I was happy with the water parameters. Still in the shop I wanted to buy some plants and a 1 piece of wood so I could start cycle the tank. So i did come home with a Ceratopteris thalictroides , a Microsorum ptreropus and 2 cups of Taxiphyllum barbieri and a very small piece of wood.

    After coming home I did cover the bottom with deponitmix and some black shrimp gravel that where in the aquarium-kit. Did fix the moss to the piece of wood with some fishing line and did set the other 2 plants very simpel on the bottom. Just want to cycle the tank so the place where everything is will change later.

    Did fill the tank with 2/3 of rain water and 1/1 with normal drink water ( treated with water conditioner ). Filter and lights on ..... and now the hard part.... waiting.

    For the next time I want to look for a Blyxa aubertii or B. japonica, get some more wood and stones to create some more hiding places, and look for a piece of wood that I can make hollow so my future paro's have a cave to place the eggs.

    in reply to: P. bintan ‘Sentang’ – setup #4967

    Nice Vids

    in reply to: Paro with brown in unpaired fins #4947

    LFS = Local Fish Store

    in reply to: The use of snow ? #4937

    Wanted to collect the snow from the forrest here. It Lays there on old tree logs.
    It was a idea to collect it with a 15L bucket , because I allmost walk every day 1-2 hours in this forrest with my dog.

    But if it´s that bad of a idea, I will ask the local hobby gardener for some rainwater.

    in reply to: Introducing myself & set-up questions #4926

    Maybe it´s something for the future. Again great info. I´m looking forward to see some more of your findings.

    in reply to: Introducing myself & set-up questions #4923

    @Peter. Things are much more clear now. Will write a mail to the distribution-address, will make things much easier.

    . Thank you for the list and advice. It´s very helpfull. When I have my filter in use, I will make a piece foam/sponge on the intake of the filter.

    @Günter Oberjatzas. Thank you for this great info. After reading your post, I can conclude that there is no
    Cryptocoryne that we know of, that can be held submersed in our tanks and comes out of the direct habitat of paros. This is all what I just wanted to know.

    in reply to: Introducing myself & set-up questions #4915

    I come from Rotterdam ( but live in Stuttgart at this moment). But I still need to drive a few times to Rotterdam in the next time. I know Betta´s Pride, did notice they have some paro species.

    in reply to: Introducing myself & set-up questions #4913

    Thank you for your detailed explanation. Did do some reading and indeed most if not all Indonisian crypts can´t survive by beeing kept submersed only. Will not gonna try this out against your advice.
    Think I´m gonna make it myself easy by not trying any difficult plants in my first paro set-up.
    Great to have see so much knowledge on this forum.

    Here comes a new question, which paro species are available at this moment and are in need of breeding (more then others paros)? For my first paro set-up I´m not picky about most colorful species or what so ever, just want to help out and enjoying keeping and breeding them.

    in reply to: Introducing myself & set-up questions #4909

    Peter I fully understand your point. It´s not that I need to using every plant I have on my list. Maybe I will try to test a few plants that maybe arn´t suited for this type of water “by the book”.

    Like Stefanie said about using/finding plants from a certain area that I can use in the tanks,
    my region is Southeast Asia. By trail and error, in time you will have a list of plants you can use in this kind of water that are from this region. On this list will be plants that might not even live in -5.5ph water conditions “by the book”. But after testing it, they don´t seem to thrive or die, they just stay alive and survive.

    If we can collect all the info of what plants are kept by who, and put all experience and the water conditions with it.We might end up with a nice plant-list with some personal tips, that people can use in the future.

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