

Kevin Marshall

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  • in reply to: Feeding General #3542
    Kevin Marshall

    Does any one find that certain foods are prefered and say by different species I am sure that my anjunganensis had no problem with bloodworm (red mosquito larvae) and smaller gammarus. where as my rubrimontis seem very picky and turn their noses up at these. in favour small glassworm and mayfly larvae which they never refuse.

    in reply to: Some questions regarding Chocolate gourami tanks #3536
    Kevin Marshall

    Hi Jacob

    You could probably try the forum on the seriously fish website for threads on chocolate gouramis



    in reply to: Rack Setup #3456
    Kevin Marshall

    I think I will have to build a rack system..I have just so much wasted space in my fish house -any chance of some measurements to get me started.

    in reply to: Technique and utilities #3450
    Kevin Marshall

    I generally use small tanks with just a minimum amount of aeration and no filtration or just a simple sponge filter. No substrates some floating java fern and moss along with coconut caves or film canisters and subdued lighting.

    I too have admired Lisbeths video as well as other photos I have seen of members tanks. Of course if we are succesful and our fish healthy and happy there is no wrong way of keeping them. I always think if something works well don’t change it.. But by looking at the evidence I am sure that there are differences in the way we keep Paros in the UK (or is this just my imagination.) so I am thinking should I change my fish keeping strategy .

    in reply to: The Parosphromenus-diaspora #3422
    Kevin Marshall

    Here in the UK I find the situation is much the same. I do not think there are many fishkeepers who specialise in Parosphromenus. This seems to have been the case as long as I have had an interest in them. Of course most interest in Paros is centred among members of the AAGB. But even then there is (as far as I know) no one specialist Paros keeper now. Although some members do of course keep some Paros with in their collections.

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda in German trade #3411
    Kevin Marshall


    Just picked up 12 Young paros at a local fish shop. Christan has told me that they are likely to be P.spec “Blue Line” Hopefully get a positive ID at the AAGB meeting in April. Hopefully pick up more species then..also hoping to get P linke next week from a well known Fish breeder in the UK who also offered P ajunganensis on Ebay.

    Will let you know more on status of Paros after AAGB meeting hopefully there will be some available.



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