

Lennart Friedritz

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  • in reply to: Question on Water Change: be frank! #5559
    Lennart Friedritz

    “frequent, trustworthy water changer”…

    I wouldn’t have answered you Peter, if that part would have been in the last paragraph you wrote! 😉 But you came clean afterwards, so here I come;

    For my 20 litre Paro-tank I change up to half of the aquariums height every two weeks. But I don’t have specific day for doing it, so it’s only aproximately.

    I use tab water, please don’t crucify me! In Brunswick it is really low in carbonates by nature, I then add some humic substances by using peat and drop down the pH using oak extract to about 4.5 pH.

    -> no carbonate hardness measurable and the eggs stick and evolve good.

    Unfortunately I got some problem due to evapotranspiration, because after two weeks the water level has fallen by about one quarter. It happens because I don’t have a 100% fitting, clear cover, so I only close it at night when I have to keep my window open (so I don’t suffocate by lack of oxygen). I’m a little concerned about the rising concentration of Ions, but I hope the many plants take care of it!

    Dear Sverting, what are “java snails”?

    in reply to: Territorial behaviour – sexual differences? #5553
    Lennart Friedritz

    Hey Stefanie and Bartian,
    I don’t really get what motion you are talking about!?

    Could you please explain it a litte more precise to me? (or maybe in german, in a PM?)

    in reply to: My new P. quindecim #5552
    Lennart Friedritz

    Beautiful fish (and fotos 😉 )!!!

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5518
    Lennart Friedritz

    Thank you Peter!

    Isn’t there the possibility of asking for fotos at the IGL-forum?
    I don’t know how much PP and IGL overlab by members, but it’s maybe worth a try.

    in reply to: P. bintan ‘Sentang’ – setup #5517
    Lennart Friedritz

    After a terrifying event, when the stress and dust has settled, there is always time for LOVE 😆

    Good luck with that!

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5511
    Lennart Friedritz

    I really should have put a winking smiley behind the “labled boxes!”-sentence…

    For sure I can enjoy my Paros without knowing their exact designation. That’s why I bought them in the first place! I’m really just curious of seeing different Bintan types next to each other and was wondering if after all the documentation, going on in the PP and the igl, there isn’t already a webpage for different Bintan phenotypes.

    …and by all means, I just didn’t noticed how recent the “Blue line”-dicussion took place. Sorry :dry:

    Still, thank you for liking my vid!

    Helene, you might move this back to “Species” now. Just kidding!
    But serious; I guess nobody here would have bred with my “mutated” male. Therefor the main question is answered. I give it a tick.

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5505
    Lennart Friedritz

    Sounds like a plan.
    In the meanwhile I will borrow a good fotocamera, clean my panes and go on a fotosafari! It might take a while 😛

    in reply to: Opallios and Pictures #5501
    Lennart Friedritz

    that’s horrible!
    my condolences

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5500
    Lennart Friedritz

    That’s more or less the tank his in right now.. unless it’s bigger then my actual Paro-tank 😉

    Wow the census-fact suprised me!

    By the way is there any topic/discussion/place trying to give an overlook about the “Blue line” types yet? Would be pretty interesting seeing the different characteristics and perhaps start an approach of grouping them… I guess there are a few fotos out there showing “Blue lines”!?

    -> Oh yes I’m a human, I’m trying hard to put everything in labled boxes!

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5497
    Lennart Friedritz

    Thank you helene for the kind words concerning the “Blue lines”.

    So out of experience it’s a “no” from you for breeding with it?!
    Thank’s for your opinion.

    : Sorry I missed your comment there! Assuming it’s a genetic defect not an injury; would you breed with it?

    in reply to: View inside P. nagyi Pekan Nenasi cave #5493
    Lennart Friedritz

    Hey Stefanie,
    this are wonderful pictures!!!

    My “Blue line” male was so rude not choosing one of the visiual accessible caves I provides but some leaves really close to the ground…
    It took quite long till he left this leaves again. Maybe about two weeks. I then started scanning the leaves and litter on the ground with an torch every day and got quite desperate.

    After a view days I saw my female chasing something other then a glassworm underneath the swimming “Froschbiss” and suddenly I realised all the larvae were up undeneath the surface. But hell they were tiny and transparent.
    But like Helenes foto in the “Age and sex differentiation/determination”-Topic shows nagyi young should be way easier to spot because of their red-brownish colour! Shouldn’t they?

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5492
    Lennart Friedritz

    Good morning!

    Ok I see I totally didn’t make my self clear about wich fin I ment. 😆
    The split tail fins are a result of the fight and I think they are healed by now.

    I ment the “Bruest-fins” (Ventrals!?). If you take a closer look you will see one of them splits up into two filaments!

    But you may get a better look at it in the video, in fullscreen, at around 0:55 (bottom right male).

    @ Helene:
    Thank you moving the topic, I’ll be more carefull next time.

    Yes I’ve fallowed that “discussion”. No argue, I really adore my fish and love seeing their offspring grow up, but I’m also unhappy about not knowing the location they are from. I guess at some time, when they are all gown up I will have a problem of space. I’m a student and really limited by money and space! So who would take some undetermined fish from me? Maybe the aquaristic shop… but would that be a good thing?

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5489
    Lennart Friedritz

    Thank you bartian,
    the “normal” male just started his first attemp of reproducing with his partner underneath some Hydrocharis, when the other male came around and started the fight. At one moment they were in the very sense of the world “touth to touth”. It was a unique experience that took for about an hour.

    in reply to: Breeding with “mutated” fish (P. spec. Blue Line) #5488
    Lennart Friedritz

    I just noticed I placed this Topic in “Species”, it may would better fit with “Breeding”! But anyway, I’m happy getting different opinions on the species too. I really don’t like beeing lost with “Blue line” (perhaps Sumatra/Jambi, as estimated by PF).

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