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  • in reply to: Parosphromenus spec. Sintang / sentang #4336

    [quote=”Little” post=595]Lisbeth – great set of photos of the Parosphromenus spec. Sintang / sentang. Thank you for sharing with us. You have had more than one pair spawn and have fry? Do the parents keep the fry seperate from the others? At what point do they become free swimming and on their own and no longer protected by their parents?[/quote]

    Sorry my late reply! Males guard their cave and eggs, but they do not take care of fry (as i can se). It is 4 pairs in the tank and it has probably grown up 6 fry, now almost mature. and som few very small fry there too. If I had taken out their parents would have many more of the fry grow up of course …

    in reply to: Parosphromenus spec. Sintang / sentang #4335

    A video of two males flashing and fighting a little bit

    in reply to: Tom’s Bucket Of Mud – Paro. sp. ‘sentang’ #3953

    Of course, I never thought of that before, that my paros never actually go up to the surface! A little embarrassed here now 🙂

    Thanks for a good answer!

    in reply to: Tom’s Bucket Of Mud – Paro. sp. ‘sentang’ #3950

    This is the coolest aquarium I’ve seen in a long time! But how does it work for Paros without cover glass? Is the air warm enough (ore humid enough?) On the surface?

    in reply to: Technique and utilities #3641

    in reply to: Technique and utilities #3629

    [quote=”Peter Finke” post=100]But what is with the very young fry? I should ask especially Lisbeth, [/quote]

    In my 63L tank with 8x Parosphromenus spec. Sintang i now see som fry. One is 2 cm, another is smaller. I dont know how many there is, the tank is very full of cattapa leaves and plants so the fry hide very well. But it sems like som fry survive with the little flow.

    in reply to: Technique and utilities #3483

    As I write above, I have not tried to breed the fish yet. And I agree with Helen that also had questions about the circulation and fry.

    I’ve certainly not tried to claim anything other than that my fish (adults) look strong and healthy, although they are not kept in stagnant water ..

    in reply to: Technique and utilities #3473

    [quote=”parosphr” post=93].[/quote]

    This does not lead to any site?

    Edit: Oh, I se now that you try to make a direkt show of my videos. Thankyou! I saw that it didnt show correct, but i hoped people would klick on the blue lines and se the videos anyway 🙂

    in reply to: Technique and utilities #3471

    I’m probably the only one of my Norwegian paro-friends who use circulation. But I think it will be so dead and stagnant without? I keep several P. Sintang / sentang in 63L, use the smallest power head, at low strength. This pump runs a home-HMF corner filter. I may be a bit concerned that it should be, and look clean and nice. Also I think it is easy to cover with film on the surface if there is no movement? Attaching a video that shows how weak flow I have there:

    P. ornaticauda I hold in my paludarium. Here I have the smallest EHEIM aqua ball in the back of the tank. Bottom area is 45×45 cm, so it’s great distance from the small waterfall to the other side of the tank for example. Stagnant water in large parts of the tub.

    But in my 450 liters tank, where I keep a group of Sphaerichthys osphromenoides and selatanensis, it is quite strong water currents. But the tank is long, 150 cm, making one part pretty easy/slow moving. What is strange is that they more often choose to swim in that part of the aquarium where there is strong current (and most light ..)

    I’ve had a bit guilty for not keeping these guramies in more stagnant water (and darker water), but now I have had Sphaerichthys for about 3 years in this way, and they are very strong and healthy, and playing regularly . Seems like they enjoy it very much. But it is true what Helen says. That one does not know how the eggs and fry will be affected.
    I have not tried to breed any fish yet, it remains to try.

    Slightly different age, a bit variable size on them
    (I am very bad at writing English, have therefore used google transform for writing assistance. Hope it’s understandable)

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda in German trade #3413

    I got 6 x P. Ornaticauda in Norway/Oslo 2 months ago.

    And 10 P. sentang/sintang in Norway/Oslo 4 months ago

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