

Bill Little

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: seramis for grindal worms dangerous? #9421
    Bill Little

    Thanks Dorothee — so you take this seramis material and place it in a container and add a culture of grindal worms. Do you add water to material? Of course you must feed the culture also. I have been utilizing “Green Scubbie Pads” and I have had limited success. When it is time to start a new culture I remove one pad and move it to a new container and start the process over again.

    in reply to: seramis for grindal worms dangerous? #9419
    Bill Little

    Dorothee — Seramis appears to be a plant growing material? I have checked and it is not available in the USA. Can you describe how it is prepared to grow grindal worms?

    in reply to: 640 L aquarium for paros .. #9348
    Bill Little

    Thanks Martin — as they say, a picture is worth a 1000 words …

    in reply to: 640 L aquarium for paros .. #9343
    Bill Little

    Martin congratulations!! Can you show us a photo of the box in the larger tank. How do you accomplish the 100% water change without releasing the fry into the tank. Removing the box each day to do water changes I would think upset the daily activity in the tank.

    in reply to: P. nagyi Available in N.A. Shortly #9282
    Bill Little

    Well for the North American members the P. nagyi are out of QT and available for purchase. Hopefully I will have mine by the middle of the week. Rachel released a video this evening showing the tank of these fish. Her narrative while not perfect did describe a lot about these beautiful little fish. Hopefully, the male in the center of the video will be in the bag when the shipment arrives at my home 🙂 . For those individuals who are interested in viewing the fish I have included the link to the video. Hopefully this will energize interest in Paros in this country once again. It has been a long time without access to a reasonable supply. I will post more information once they arrive. I suspect that Almighty Joshaeus has also placed an order. Anyone else? Please let us know who has ordered from this shipment.

    in reply to: P. deissneri found again!!! #9250
    Bill Little

    Wentian Shi has truly preformed a great service to our organization and to the world of environmental conservation. Martin is right on in his post noting that with the most recent photos even someone like me, who does not consider himself an expert by any means, can turn to a reseller and say “No sir, that fish is not P. deissneri it lacks the spots”.
    I have asked about Hiroyuki Kishi, head of the Team Borneo, several times in the past and little is known about him and his efforts particularly in recent years. I truly believe there is great treasure and knowledge that he has collected that is locked within the Japanese language and unavailable to the rest of the world. There is an amazing project to be uncovered for someone or a small group to collect his information and that of Team Borneo and to translate this information into German or English. Do we have someone out there that would be willing and able to invest time and energy in this project???

    in reply to: How shy is Parosphromenus nagyi? #9244
    Bill Little

    While I have not tried this I am told that placing some of the micro rasboras species in the tank will encourage the paros to spend more time out swimming around. The suggestion seems reasonable as the literature indicates these same small rasboras can be found in the local waters with the Paros

    in reply to: IGL- Frühjahrstagung IGL-Spring Meeting #9219
    Bill Little

    Last year the IGL Fall gathering was held at the same time and place as the Paro gathering. We were invited to sit in on two of the lectures one by Horst Linke and the second by Martin Hallmann. The entire weekend was conducted in German. Peter was industrious and obtained a translation device so Helene and Peter were able to provide simultaneous translation of both presentations. The two lectures were the highlight of the weekend. I would think this session will also be in German to answer your question. I see that Horst has another presentation scheduled for this event. It would be fantastic if someone (hint, hint) were to do an abstract of his presentation and post it on this forum.

    in reply to: New photo of one of my Paros allani March 2017 #9214
    Bill Little

    Hello Lawrence — photo did not come up on this post. Is it the same photo as you posted on a subsequent post? That one is a great photo.
    I go back and forth via email with Gianne in San Francisco. She was do pleased to obtain the Paros from you on a previous visit to Seattle. Is your count on Allani up to 16 or 17 now?
    I have been looking for P. Palidicola for some time now without any luck. There are some collectors up in that area collecting wild bettas but they have no interest in collecting Paros. I am told they were readily available many years ago in this country even in LFS thanks to a collection trip made by David Armitage (UK) and Tony Pinto (US). However, that line was not taken care of and has been lost unfortunately. I literature indicates they are relatively easy to maintain and would be excellent starter Paro for hobbyists in North America.

    in reply to: Tap water #9203
    Bill Little

    You note that your tank is heavily planted. I would watch you male carefully for the next week or so. Often a male will move the eggs to an alternate location after the pair has spawned in a cave. You were lucky to get them to spawn almost immediately; I wish you well with your initial spawn. Keep us posted.

    in reply to: Tap water #9199
    Bill Little

    Welcome Myrrhiam to the Paro forum. Most of us in the U.S. are not as lucky as you with their water conditions. However, there are a couple of individuals on the west coast that do have soft water direct from the tap. I believe Seattle and San Francisco have members with soft water. I would invite them to comment on your request.I believe they do as you are suggesting – adding IAL, alder cones and perhaps peat to their water. I, on the other hand, must use RO water mixed with tap and then place IAL in the bucket to age prior to adding to the tank – a much slower process.
    I get regular requests from North American members looking for a source of any Paro species. It is not easy here in the obtain these species, but your Canadian neighbors have even a greater difficulty it would appear. Could you tell us how your acquired your fish and what species you have.

    in reply to: Update 6 dec. – important information #9160
    Bill Little

    Helene — the update is wonderful!! Congratulations and thank you to you and to Rod. All the pages are more readable particularly for old eyes like mine. I know there is a comment about speed. I have not noticed any reduction on the refresh rate on my system. If anything me access seems to be improved. The thing I LOVE the most is the species map. It is fabulous and a great addition to the site. I am utilizing Chrome to access the site and on the initial opening of the site, Chrome announced it needed to do an upgrade. It only took a minute and everything come back up and worked perfectly. For those members or viewers who might be experiencing some issues I would suggest you make any suggested updates to your current browser software. Once again thank you for all your hard work on this wonderful improvement 🙂

    in reply to: Paros in Aquarium Glaser #9043
    Bill Little

    Martin — who can argue with Martin Hallmann! They look very much like the “blue line” I have.

    in reply to: Parosphromenus allani #8971
    Bill Little

    Congratulations … good to see that it can be done. It’s really too bad that you were not able to view any of the initial spawning process. Hope you get to find additional fry. Do you think it might have anything to do with a seasonal charge?

    in reply to: My sp ‘sentang’ journal #8966
    Bill Little

    Josh — I hope you are successful this time and I wish you luck with the possible spawn. 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 173 total)