

Bill Little

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  • in reply to: My New Parosphromenus #7942
    Bill Little

    Dave — some great photos that you are sharing – thanks. Some members complain that they can’t get their fish to come out into the open long enough to get the photo. Please tell us how you get your fish to “pose” for the photos? It would also be of interest to tell us what kind of camera equipment you are using. Keep the photos coming…

    in reply to: P. sp Blue line #7914
    Bill Little

    I actually place a small plastic box filter containing a bag of peat pellets in the rear of the tank. I pump just a tiny amount of air bubbles through the filter – just sufficient to break the surface of the water and to keep a scum from developing on the surface of the water.

    in reply to: P. sp Blue line #7911
    Bill Little

    I use old black plastic 35mm film canisters as was suggested by someone here on the site. I have placed them on the bottom of the tank secured to the bottom attached to small pebbles. I have also placed canisters in the Moss which is in large clumps in the tank. My pairs took to the canister on the floor of the tank and paid no attention to any of the canisters above the floor of the tank.This has been the case with the blue line and P. Linkei; that is not to say the experience would not be different be different with other Paro species. Hope this helps…

    in reply to: P.phoenicurus female, behavior? #7851
    Bill Little

    Does someone want to translate or interrupt the word “stocktaking” for some of us?

    in reply to: Red eyes in Parosphromenus #7714
    Bill Little

    We often see this issue in taking family photos. Everyone in the photo looks great but mother’s eyes are red. In the photo world we actually refer to it as “red eye” and several digital photo programs, Photoshop, Picasa and other, actual permit you to easily remove the red from the eye.It would be an interesting experiment to take an image and see if we can remove the red from the Paro’s eye. :unsure:

    in reply to: P. Bintan #7668
    Bill Little

    I have been working with the Wetspot staff for more than a week now on this issue. This species was originally described as deissneri. I sent their image to Helene and she indicated they should be described as Bintan. Based upon that information Wetspot changed the name. I have an order but they will not ship until the weather is better at the UPS hub in Louisville.I will keep US members posted on this purchase.

    in reply to: Best wishes. #7503
    Bill Little

    As we approach the evening hours of Christmas Eve here in North America let me take the opportunity to wish all our members happy holidays and wonderful and prosperous New Year.

    in reply to: Parvulus #7262
    Bill Little

    As always Bernd we look forward to you success!!

    in reply to: They are here again … #7261
    Bill Little

    Hi Dorothee — it simply means that the importer is not very precise. They are telling us the Linkei will be larger than the two remaining species should we decide to purchase all three species. I will place an order for at least two species tomorrow morning. My concern is that the P. gunawani will not be as advertised. I will ask if they have taken any good photographs of the gunawani before I place an order for the third species 🙂 🙂 😛

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7232
    Bill Little

    Dorothee — I attempted cleaning up the second photo with little to no improvement. As you say the image is not very sharp.

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7230
    Bill Little

    Thought I would attempt to adjust the lighting on the image. If it is helpful I will adjust the second photo

    in reply to: How to improve distribution #7064
    Bill Little

    Interesting for comparison … when we can get Paros here is the U.S. we are looking at costs of between $6 & $7 each. This assumes you will purchase a minimum of 6. If you add on shipping you must add on an additional $35. Cost per fish turns out to be somewhere between $12 & $13 per fish. Purchasing 6 however, you are relatively sure of obtaining a pair or perhaps 2 pair if you are lucky.

    in reply to: Vid of my Paros #6718
    Bill Little

    The ability to utilize cell phones to obtain quality photographs of our our fish has been called into question by many people. However with recent improvements in camera resolution and new hardware gadgets the possibilities are improving. In the last year telephoto/ wide angle lenses have become available for cell phones through a company in Hong Kong. They are relatively inexpensive and permit remarkable image quality. Attached is a photo of a small Gecko lizard that is about 3” in length. As you can see his head sits on the head of my index finger. We have many of the around my home and they live in the gardens. They move very rapidly and are almost impossible to capture. This little guy had fallen into a water bucket and was in a state of shock; therefore I was able to obtain the close up photo as he relaxed on my finger. His face is in good focus but you will note there is a very shallow depth of field. You can often find them on E-bay.

    in reply to: P. sp. “Sentang” ??? available for US members #6694
    Bill Little

    Oops … I made a mistake and assumed you were in the U.S. for some reason. They are good people but they don’t even ship to Canada.

    in reply to: P. sp. “Sentang” ??? available for US members #6693
    Bill Little

    That Aquabid item is from Wetspot in Portland. You can order direct from them for the same price as is on the website. Call and ask for Jessica 603.719.7003 and she will take care of you. I have 6 of the species currently being offered. They were young and small when they arrived,but I got two pair out of the 6. Their source in the Fareast is the same organization that provides most of the commercial stock for Europe. Over a years period of time they will have as many as 6 – 7 of the Paro species in their facility. Tell them you are a member of PP. Good luck

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