

Bill Little

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  • in reply to: My new P. cf. rubrimontis “Mimbon 2008” #6171
    Bill Little

    Congratulation Mommy … I was wondering if I was ever going to receive a birth announcement. 🙂 The little one is already pretty good size. From your comments you suggest you have more than one batch of fry at this point? Do you have any idea how many eggs you are getting at a time?

    in reply to: P. nagyi diary of M.Kotzulla, Leipzig, Germany #6168
    Bill Little

    Wonderful – go forth and we will look forward to your postings. I am about to start a breeding effort with some P. Nagyi also.

    in reply to: Parental cannibalism – or: Do paros eat their fry? #6156
    Bill Little

    Could there potentially be another explanation for this occurrence? Could it be that the female sees or senses a physical problem or deformity with that fry and it compelled to eliminate the fry in line with the survival of the fittest? We see this with most egg laying species where in eggs are not fertile and are consumed by the parents.

    in reply to: My new P. quindecim #6150
    Bill Little

    Stefanie – your photos are wonderful. I don’t think anyone worries about the cleanliness of the tank. You do a wonderful job of documenting the courtship behavior in the tank. Probably attempting to clean the tank would most likely upset the courtship process and you would not have been able to share that sequence with our members. Thanks again for sharing…

    in reply to: Would this method of softening water work? #6136
    Bill Little

    Let me take a stab at this issue… I am not too worried about the pH but the measurement I follow is conductivity or TDS depending on what meter you have available. If you are utilizing RO water the conductivity should be well under 50 mS which is where you want the water to be with Paros. With low mS you normally have a low pH. I believe what Helene is attempting to say is with adding additional amounts of tap water, even in small quantities, you are re-introducing trace element i.e. NACL and other minerals which will in itself raise the pH. The more tap water you introduce,the more mineral content you are adding back into the tank, the higher the increase in pH, the higher the conductivity or TDS. As the pH increases you will attempt to lower the acidity in so doing you will have a tank that will become unstable.

    in reply to: Newbie from Minnesta, USA #6129
    Bill Little

    Welcome Phil — glad to have another member from North America

    in reply to: P. nagyi ‘Pekan nenasi’ #6094
    Bill Little

    That explanation helps a lot. I assume you obtained your ‘Pekan nenasi’ from a local breeder rather than the commercial shops? It will be interesting to see what my colony will look like when they arrive. I am told mine will be between 2.5cm & 3.0cm in size, which leads me to believe they should be adults.

    in reply to: My Parospromenus #6073
    Bill Little

    Ah, I see said the blind man …

    in reply to: My new P. cf. rubrimontis “Mimbon 2008” #6070
    Bill Little

    Indeed, we look forward to a birth announcement soon

    in reply to: My Parospromenus #6069
    Bill Little

    Please don’t keep us in the dark on the cause of the increase in pH :). You must share these things …

    in reply to: id my paros please. #6048
    Bill Little

    Like Helene, I’m no expert in identifying any of these species. However, I have 5 of the fish that resemble fish in your photo. They were sold to me as “sintangensis” or “blue line” take your choice. It now appears that I have two pair. The dominant male has been in and out of his cave for several weeks now. The second male stays to the far rear of the same tank but is making his moves on a second female. His colors are no where near as intense as the primary male. Once a have a new tanks prepared and I’m sure I am not going to disturb the initial pair I plan to move the secondary pair out of the tank.

    in reply to: P. nagyi in Germany / Saxony / Leipzig #6030
    Bill Little

    Yes , they have been reported and seen here in the U.S. also. Our fish reportedly are wild and came from the same Asian source that were shipped to Holland.

    in reply to: Peat or Me trying to not be a hypocrite for paros #6022
    Bill Little

    Perhaps this caution need not be voiced, but for the sake of the many new members on the forum adding acid sulfuric, phosphoric or any other acid will indeed be an appropriate option to lower the pH in the tank. However, the acid should not be added directly to the aquarium but to a container you will use to do water changes.

    in reply to: Some small work for polish language readers… #5961
    Bill Little

    Peter — Helene and I have been discussing a project the last couple of days with her recent published articles. It will take a bit more work before we are ready to discuss it further. Martin has offered to send me a PDF copy of his articles rather than wait until his publisher permits the general public to view the text of the article on line. I tried working with a German speaking woman here when your first Amazonas article was published. It did not go well. There was too much science and language of the aquarium for her to translate in detail. I could get the idea of an individual paragraph but there was no ability to adequately translate the details of the writing.
    Martin: I have sent you a PM asking that you send the PDF.

    in reply to: Some small work for polish language readers… #5956
    Bill Little

    Martin — great looking article and as Helene says some great photos also. I tried to bring up the text of the article but is it is all blurred out and is unreadable. Is that done by the publisher to encourage the purchase of the publication or do I have a computer problem? I have a friend locally that speaks polish and I thought she might be able to read and translate for me. Well done my friend!!

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