

Bill Little

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 173 total)
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  • in reply to: Parosphromenus without food for 2 days? #5919
    Bill Little

    Oh really …

    in reply to: Spawning Success for P. Bintan spp. #5888
    Bill Little

    Congratulation Papa – we look forward to hearing more as the eggs hatch and the fry become free swimming. I assume the eggs were placed on the roof inside the cave?

    in reply to: My new P. quindecim #5858
    Bill Little

    Stefanie – very nice photos of the fry. I have observed my Paros showing interest in other Paro species in neighboring tanks. I have a series of 5 gallon (18 liter) tanks on a shelf housing 4 species. I was feeding BBS last week when I was interrupted by a telephone call. I had feed shrimp only to the first tank. When I returned I found the fish in the second tank all lined up at the glass adjacent to tank number one. Noticing this I went to the other end of the row and fed in the last tank. Sure enough Paros in the adjoining immediately came to the glass also. This seems to suggest that they pay close attention to activity in neighboring aquariums. If your tanks are in close proximity to each other it might be interesting to see if a relationship would continue through the glass between your pair of quindecim. Often a female betta are placed in a cylinder within a tank with a male to encourage the breeding process while protecting her from harm. I guess this is not much different than two tanks sitting side by side.

    in reply to: My new P. quindecim #5845
    Bill Little

    Congratulations — what does Helene say… when you see one there is probably two and when you see two there are more perhaps many more (we can hope) :cheer: We hope you are feeling better; we missed your frequent and regular posts. You have a beautiful baby and we hope there are many more.

    in reply to: Parosphromenus Harveyi Habitats update 2013 #5833
    Bill Little

    Man — would I like to go fishing with you … Some great photos could you perhaps include a bit of a narrative when you post. Tell us a little of what we are seeing in the photos

    in reply to: Enthusiasts: Join the Parosphromenus-project! #5832
    Bill Little

    Welcome Northersabvre glad to have you join our little world – any friend of C Way is a friend of ours … 🙂

    in reply to: Spirohexol + paro in Ireland #5809
    Bill Little

    I have watched that site for more than a year utilizing the same stock photo and calling it P deissneri . This is the age old story of using P deissneri and Licorice Gourami interchangeably in the trade.

    in reply to: Number of parosphromenus to keep in 10 gallon tank #5799
    Bill Little

    Welcome Joshaeus — glad to have you join us. The plan you describe for your 10 gallon tank is appropriate particularly when you plan to separate your breeding pair(s) to a 2.5 gal tank. There is a tremendous amount of information already on the site so I encourage to spend time working your way through the information. Most questions will have been covered to one degree or another somewhere on the site. Should you have questions you are not able to find feel free to present the question. I currently have several species and I keep them is 6 gallon tanks. The maximum I maintain in the tanks is 6. I keep caves in each tank and will let the fish pair off and lay the initial eggs in the tank. Depending on the success of the spawn I may move the pair to a 2.5 gal tank alone with the original cave. Keep us posted…

    in reply to: P. Tweediei (?) in Holland #5788
    Bill Little

    Great pictures !! Even I, who has never seen a Tweediei for real, could have identified that male in the local LFS. A couple of questions … did that male have that coloring in the shop or did the color come back once you had him in your tank and he was comfortable? Second, I think Peter has commented that Tweediei has not been available in the trade or at least not been available in the trade in recent years. Do you know if these fish came from the distributor in Holland or perhaps from another hobbyist? If they came from the distributor then perhaps some of the stock that arrived here in the U.S.several weeks ago were indeed Tweediei. The one case we were able to examine via photos turned out to be a wild betta. Perhaps that was an isolated mistake. We need to keep watch in the coming weeks for another shipment.

    in reply to: P. Tweediei (?) in Holland #5783
    Bill Little

    The P. Tweediei here were being sold at $10 each and when I examined the tank there were none remaining just what was reported as P. Nagyi also at $10 ea

    in reply to: My “Not so Pretty” Licorice Gourami Tanks #5777
    Bill Little

    Hey, you did get some color!! I don’t have any color like this in any of my 4 tanks. 🙁 It makes me want to go to the fish room and yell “hey guys I need some color from you all – you are making me look bad” Seriously, with him coloring up there should be a female showing serious interest in him shortly.

    in reply to: My “Not so Pretty” Licorice Gourami Tanks #5771
    Bill Little

    Try using an 8″ plastic picnic plate. Place it as far down in the tank as you can without disturbing the plants. Pour the water into the tank so that it hits the plate. It’s not perfect but will limit replacing all your live plants after a water change. As an alternative, I also use a small water pump that you can use in an outside pond. The smallest pump moves about 1.5 gallons per minute (low volume). I place the pump in a 5 gallon bucket filled with the clean treated water. The pump has about 6′ of clear plastic hose attached. Drain the old water and pump in the new from the bucket. In some cases I even use the picnic plate where there delicate plants are concerned.

    in reply to: P. Tweediei (?) in Holland #5753
    Bill Little

    Great News!! At least they were not wild bettas like here in the U.S. The second batch never materialized through the distributor here. I think after I guestioned the species they neglected to place the follow-on order.

    in reply to: Starter culture of moina needed. #5752
    Bill Little

    Thanks Helene — that worked. We were looking for #1146. Jalmj you are looking for Vale! (Mr. Love) and you are in luck he is in the UK (Milton Keynes, UK). He was able to order moina culture previously in the UK. Hopes this helps.

    in reply to: Starter culture of moina needed. #5748
    Bill Little

    Sometime ago we had a similar question asked. I have just attempted to search and find the thread but was unsuccessful in finding the information. As I remember the discussion we found a company on the east coast of the U.S. that provided scientific materials and cultures to schools and university laboratories. The member looking for the culture was from Europe and did not wish to become involved with importing the culture. However, with a little additional research we found the U.S. company had European affiliates or partners and the cultures were or could be made available through the European organization. By posting this note perhaps the individual involved with the original request can provide the follow-on information. Sorry, I can not be of additional assistance.

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 173 total)