

Marcin Chyla

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  • in reply to: Id ask #9510
    Marcin Chyla

    Thank You Peter for this detail answer. I also notice this short ventrals – every Bintan form I had before this, have a long ventral fin. I have 9 offsprings from them, and they are just before mature – it’s intresting if they will have short ventral fins also 🙂

    in reply to: Deissneri Balz #9469
    Marcin Chyla

    This is 100% truth Bernd 🙂
    When You expect your Parosphromenus deisneri will be available to purchase..

    in reply to: Deissneri Balz #9467
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello Bernd , it’ looks so simply when you watching Your method’s but when it comes to do it in Your home – it is not 🙂 I have learned a lot because of our trips to Your breeding station, but i’m still amazed watching Your fishes ..
    Greetings !

    in reply to: Parosphromenus anjunganensis in Aqua Glaser #9347
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello below pictures of my new paros.. I think they are truth P.anjunganensis..

    Few of them was in terrible condition – I know, there were my last paros which I purchased in the regular trade.
    I remember how looked the paros which I brought home from our first meeting – PERFECT It is better to drive few hours to Germany and get few nice , health and strong paros than purchase thin “something” who will die within a weeks… From 10 pcs I left with 6 – now they look much better and I saw first male dancing …
    And I started to think … how the “trade” will thinking now : ” paros is a good business becouse They were sold quickly , so I need to import another 100 pcs..” And another 100 pcs of poor, thin, weak paros will be in the petshops ..
    I personally ended with this !

    in reply to: 640 L aquarium for paros .. #9346
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello Bill, I simply remove the water using thin silicon pipe ( I watch out for the young fishes) and then I tilt the container and I let the fresh water from the big tank comes in. From time to time I put out the container to see whats happen there , especially when I changed the food from protozoa to artemia . You can see attached pictures. Today I moved the first brood to the 10L aquarium ( 8 pcs – 2 died when I feed artemia first time ..) , hope they will grow faster. In the second container is 35 of fry ( I saw only one death from the moment I puted them there (1.5 week)).


    in reply to: 640 L aquarium for paros .. #9342
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, my story seems to have a happy final. A have a 5 L box dippied in my big tank. There are 8 parosphromenus fry which allready big enough to feed artemia 🙂 , Now today I dippied another box with newly hatched fry .. My paros breed in film container which I placed in this big tank – I simply move the fry after hatching to the box and raise them there. Almost 100% water daily changes helps to keep water clean ( there is no filter in this box) Becouse boxes are dippied in a big aquarium – temperature is constant.
    I’m happy that after a long break, I finally have a paros fry again. For the first days I feed the fry with protozoa ( I bought them during our first meeting in Hamburg – and still have my colony 🙂 )

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello , ok I understand. So may by the goal is to import only minimum quantity of fish from their natural habitats and do it by the expirienced persons . And then breed them ( as many as we can) and spread widely among every aquarist who want to challenge with Parosphromenus.. Few of them will get Parosphromenus ” disease” and we have one more breeder ….
    I think it make sense ….

    Marcin Chyla

    Hello , reading Your posts I started to think about what’s our ( P-P ) goal is .. I mean at the begining I had a feeling that we are happy when any Parosphromenus species is available in any of importer’s tank . The reason is – only in this way this taxon can be available to as many aquarists as possible , not only P-P members…
    I have doubts in fact that any collector can destroy some population by catching fishes .. specially Parosphromenus fishes . You can not cach many of them at one time, You need to spend a lot of time ( = money) to cach the fishes and You are no sure that all of them will survive . Caterpillars destroyed Parosphromenus habitats – not collectors … or I’m wrong ….( I’m open for disscusion or we can have it in our meeting ..:) )

    in reply to: 640 L aquarium for paros .. #9308
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello Zwerge and Peter, I thought about what I learned from this lesson .. And the thing is if I was still though “sandard” I could lose those paros .. For me lesson is – high temperature ( 29C for e.g.) is not bad .. but it can help in case of some disease .. I don’t know why I always thought that paros should be keep in rather low temperature … 24-25C. Maybe in my conditions 29C is better ..
    Paros are still fine, one male occupy a cave and females swimming around it.. But I saw second male and it was something wrong with his collors .. You can see it on the picture . Is this some disease ..? or just he is in some mod …. ( or still too young to show complete collors..)

    in reply to: P. deissneri found again!!! #9247
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, now we can see how easy to recognize is this species … Even, just after catch color spots on the tail fin are clearly visible.

    in reply to: oodinium #9139
    Marcin Chyla

    Thank You RafEg and Peter – I will do a temperature cycle rounds and I will use salt to “cleaning” paros tanks.. I hope salt will work even if oodinium can make a cystic stage.

    If this way will not work – I will ask my cat’s vet if He have a bit of nitrothiazol … ( as You suggested a Year ago Peter..:) )

    Best regards !

    in reply to: Censusreminder-Survey #9107
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello Bennie, I think about something like quite big “census reminding screen” – everytime when somebody will login on paro webside…
    You could pick “Yes” on that screen and then this screen will not be visible for you ( until the next census..:) )

    Best regards!

    in reply to: Do paros jump regularly? #9088
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello Josh and Bernd , I have quite different expirience in that mater … I had very often an open aquariums with a paro and nothing happend until … When I came back from our first international meeting in Hamburg I received 3 beautifull adult pairs of P. quindencim . I wasn’t prepared for them , and I didn’t have any aquarium. I decided to leave all fish in a styrobox container ( about 5L ) to next day . I put “old” spongy filter inside and went to sleep. Next morning everything was ok. But when I got home from my work – disaster .. All 6 fishes jumped out from the container ! All were dry and dead .. It was dramatic …
    From this time I cover all my paros aquariums. It seems that paros do not jump out from the correct conditions aquariums – but be careful when they are in a temporary containers ..!

    in reply to: Parosphromenus allani #9051
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I was present on our first International PP meeting in Hamburg and I was very happy about possibility of increase my Paros stock.
    Visiting of Bernd’s paro breeding station was also fascinating. In other countries we could have a warm welcome, nice views even good beer 🙂 But we will definitely not has Paros and Bernd’s house ..:)
    So In my opinion – Hamburg, Germany is the best locality ..

    I have also one more thing .. Does IGL has meeting also in Hamburg next year ..? Meeting together with them was also good opportunity to buy other interesting fishes and listen to very intresting presentations ..

    in reply to: Paros in Aquarium Glaser #9045
    Marcin Chyla

    Thank You for your reply Lawrence, Bill and Peter. I remember what it was at the beginning of my paros adventure – I wanted to know which exactly species I have and that knowledge become more important than questions How to keep my paros succesfull ..
    Now , my question about the species is less important – every single species or color form of genus Parosphromenus is beautifull and exactly same important as the others… During almost 5 years of my experience I saw the species which were available in big quantities ( those days I thought – the are less desirable by me – I wanted to have realy rare species ..) but after some time ( year-two) the same species gone from the trade and I didn’t saw them again …( P. anjunganensis for eg.).

    Important thing is to keep them healthy, breed them and spread the fry between Polish paro keepers..:)
    Good BRIGHTER pictures of mating males will also be done 🙂

    Best regards !

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