

Marcin Chyla

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  • in reply to: A little dänish contribution #5949
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, congratulations to You Helene…. I need to improve my photo skills 🙂 Your pictures are very good.

    in reply to: Parosphromenus without food for 2 days? #5920
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello yes, but there are many dark places in my aquarium (see picture) I didn’t see my fishes for weeks – but offspring were visible near “front” glass. Now I seperated the young and wait for another 🙂 The tank is 1m long but as you can see – water level is much lower then 30 cm (tank high). Greetings!

    in reply to: Going for air at the surface #5915
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I have never see my fishes when they are going to the surface for the “fresh air” – but I had many cases when addiction of too many organic “thing” to aquarium couses “non-air” sytuation – In your case Helene, we can see why they are in the labirynth fishes family 🙂

    in reply to: Parosphromenus without food for 2 days? #5914
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, You could keep them ( 2-3 pairs..) in this 70 L tank without moving them in to a special breeding tank – in the case of many dark places, Young will raise in this tank without Your help 🙂 – I have mine 3 pairs of P.linkei in a 60 L tank and 7 pcs of 1cm young apperaed allready ( I have them since may this year):)

    in reply to: Strangely coloured specimen of P. linkei #5642
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, few weeks ago I had a pleasure to meet Stefan and even purchase two species of Parosphromenus from Him (one more time thank You Peter for manage this meeting). One of them was P.linkei which already spawn in my aquarium (yesterday I saw few larvae in a filmbox cave). I have a plan to try intensive breeding method for one pair and I’m wondering that maybe such an “albino” specimen ( Stefan show me this female also) will appear also among my offspring..? During next weeks , I will add some pictures of my new parosphromenus because they are very beautifull and worth to show..:) Greetings!

    in reply to: Books on Paros #5614
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, few weeks ago I received one copy of this issue. Great job was done to write this – it should be standard position on the shelf of every paro keeper 🙂 I can’t wait for the whole book about paros…

    Best regards !

    in reply to: photoes of fry #5590
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, very nice pictures Helene! 🙂

    in reply to: Spawn in vertical tube? #5589
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, exactly – I did a large water change and I have just started to give my paros cyclops from little pond near my house- I will immiediatelly change position of this sponge to horizontal….:)

    in reply to: Heating #4975
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, my experience have probably no relations with temperature, but when I breed my paros in my “old” house when temp. was about 26-27 C. I always had about 15 pcs of fry. But when I breed them in my new house when temp. is about 22C (I don’t use a heater in aquarium) I had 30+ fry . Water is the same like before, food also – but previously I didn’t leave male with eggs and larvae – this time I did. So, probable it is more related to the male care then temperature..:) Greetings!

    in reply to: TDS measurements #4958
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, but in case of conductivity meter You may be confused when for example You will give artemia larvae. Your conductivity may increase very fast due to the Sodium ions Na+. I don’t know if that will appear also in TDS meter, maybe not , then it is even better for us.

    in reply to: Poland – P. deissneri, P. sp(?) #4948
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, several times I had information that, some of specyfy species of Parosphromenus will be avaiable. But, unfortunately it always ends on the P. sp.”bintan” group – most common one (this not decrease their value! ). seems to be seriuos importer, but I will belive (and purchase 🙂 ) when I will see them ..

    in reply to: P. bintan ‘Sentang’ – setup #4857
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello Everyone, those Parosphromenus sp.”Sentang” (correct is “Blue Line” – my mistake ) Sverting will get from me. I presented my Paros on our Cichlidae (!) forum and few people were intrested to keep them. I thought that it may be very similar begining with paros comparing to my..:) I also wanted to keep paros with some others (Sphaerythis, and even copella….) but very soon I saw that it isn’t a good way..

    And now, after almost two years I breeding them regularly and I didn’t loose any of them !… And what is more important – I want to have another ones !!!

    So, Sverting’s beginning look MUCH more profesional than mine, and that’s why I will sent to Him 8x Parosphromenus sp. “Blue Line” without any fear 🙂 – He will understand that keeping Paros is not one of regular thing – it is a mission! 🙂

    Best regards!

    in reply to: heart break #4832
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, some time ago I had two “major” investments in my small “aqua world” – RO filter and conductivity meter – and now I can’t imagine live without them 🙂 – in nearly future I will add pH meter also, and then I will be complete :):) Best Regards!!

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4725
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello Everybody ! After a “short” break I’m here again. I had many work with my new fish room and it is still not ready yet, but step by step I’m closer to the end ( Ups, I forgot.. It’s never ends..:) ).
    I still have only one species of Parosphromenus , but I’m also ” in touch” with Peter and on the soonest occasion I will go to Germany for few new species.
    But back to P.”Sentang” . I’m keeping them since 1.5 year by now and I feel that I know them better and better. My latest personal success was their last breeding. For the first time I left the male with eggs until larvae started to swimm. And I was supprised when I discovered that I have around 35 fry :):). Previously ( without a male) it was 11 and 10 fry. One more time my experience confirmed what I have read in almost every paro article – keep the male with eggs as long as it’s possible = You will have more fry…

    Below , pictures of my aquariums rack (All of top of the rack is reserved for paro tanks :))
    And also my new ~2 month old fry little fight 😉

    in reply to: Species identification #4396
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I know name of that shop : Aquarium Glaser…

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