

Marcin Chyla

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  • in reply to: Species identification #4395
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, thank You for quick reply. I know that one picture it’s not enough especially were fish is not in breeding mode. But this is only I have. My friend have them from some German shop ( I’m waiting for this shop name) and we allready sent ask about orgin of this fish – we hope they will answer soon 🙂 I have only one more picture with female. I will try to get some more photos. Greetings!

    in reply to: Species identification #4393
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I will add my question to this topic;) I received picture from my friend with some Parosphromenus sp. He have them in his stock – any ideas about species? He want to send me those paros – I have P. sp. “Sentang” and I’m worry that this is the same species?

    in reply to: Ready to start #4391
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, very nice pictures. Do You feed your fry some how? Or they only finding microorganisms which are in Your aqua? Those fry on last picture seems to eat artemia naulpi regarding to orange stomach 🙂 Greetings!

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4385
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, thank You, I have just measured them 🙂 and the smaller have about 1.2 – 1.3cm and the bigger 1.6 – 1.7cm

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4383
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, attached pictures of my first young paros and second fry. All 11 young are doing great I give them artemia naulpi, microworms, very little daphnia and cyclops. One question about it’s name… this is Parosphromenus sp. “Bintan” or correct form is Parosphromenus sp. Sentang ? I think that those Sentang forms are more blue but what You think.
    Maybe it will be good to start some topic when all who have this undiscrabed form of Paros will attache pictures of their paros (males), it will be easier to compare all forms and establish some similar color variants ( without orgin location at the begining). I know that “others forms ” file is in building but maybe it is good to start create some picture base…?

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4361
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I finally moved all fry to another (biger) aquarium. There are 11 of them 🙂 So I’m very happy. Their relocation become faster because I saw that in main aqua one of males guarding the eggs. I decided to remove eggs to small aqua and try to get new fry… Now I have little fry again 🙂 And this time there were more eggs then before:) I started to give them microworms and those little “things” from daphnia culture ( I still don’t have any idea what is it:) Fry eating and this is most important.
    I must also mention about thing which happend at the beginning of first fry develop.
    On first days of giving food to my paro fry I have opportunity to get live paramecium special prepared for fish food. Their were in salt water and I filtered them before giving to paros fry. But I did not clean them by fresh water , just put them in to aquarium. When several days after , I checked conductivity it was 800 us !! Thing is that all of fry survived ( I did several water changes – not one big) And I thing it is becouse those conductivity change were done by sodium ions [Na+] not calcium [Ca2+]. I don’t know it is truth but this is my explanation. Those somone of You have similar experience? Greetings!

    in reply to: Ready to start #4360
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, Congratulations!!! I’m not that lucky – when I changed layout in my aquarium ( I caught all fishes, I removed all woods and leaves and even sand )I didn’t found any of young paros , but I saw eggs many times during 1.5 year… I finally breed them in seperate aquarium.
    Maybe You will find more…:)I heard that P. nagyi is a bit difficult species to breed -Congratulations!!!

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4347
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, young paros are doing well and last time I saw 10 of them 🙂 Soon I will move them to a biger aqua. I’m still doing water changes every second day ( conductivity – 41 us).

    in reply to: Eggs transfering by Parosphromenus sp. “Sentang” #4314
    Marcin Chyla

    Does someone of You have a similar experience ..?

    in reply to: Parosphromenus filamentosus in Poland? #4293
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, thank You Peter. You are right, this all identyfication issue is getting more and more important to me and it shouldn’t be. More important is to develop my way to get healthy, fry of paros and stabilize my population. I will inform all of You of my progress and I hope it will not be boring :):) Best regards!

    in reply to: Parosphromenus filamentosus in Poland? #4288
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, Yesterday larvae hatched. I saw 9-10 of them still “glued” to the wood. I must admit that on that photo Parosphromenus look like some kind of Bintan group. But when I’m watching them in aqua I have feeling that his caudal is little trigonal… I don’t know , maybe it is better to not say anything untill fishes aren’t mature and in really good condition… Best regards!

    in reply to: Parosphromenus filamentosus in Poland? #4280
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, today (3 days after spawn) I decided to remove coco cave with eggs from aqua. I want to have first fry in controlled conditions. I was suprised that there was’t any eggs … but I found them under the piece of wood. I carefully moved them in to a plastic container with the same water as in main aqua. And I placed it under the filter outlet in main aqua – they will have fresh water all the time. You may count the eggs – 12 pcs. We will se what will happen….Picture of male also attached. Still not perfect but any ideas…?

    in reply to: Parosphromenus filamentosus in Poland? #4271
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello,Few days ago I saw that my male become very dark, yesterday he become very agressive , I saw also that it is missing one of fish ( this aqua is not covered) so, I tought that some of my paros jumped out, but… Male very often dissapeared in coco cave and then I saw this missing paros in that cave also 🙂 She become very dark also (mostly her fins) – So, my first breeding of new paros become a truth 🙂 I is very difficult to take a picture of male, but I can tell for sure that he don’t have filament like P.filamentosus. But also he had little trigonal caudal fin – clearly visible compared to my P.sp. bintan. I will still try to do fine picture of them.

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4264
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, next picture – 20 days old fry. They eating well and Finke’s rule works, now I saw 8 of them at one time:) I’m doing about 20-30 % water changes on every second day. Greetings!

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4254
    Marcin Chyla

    Thank You very much. It is hard to take picture of them in aquarium.:)

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