

Marcin Chyla

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  • in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4250
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I’m glad to hear this humike7 🙂 To continue this I take some photo of my fry. Now they have 17 days. I still give them microworms and this very little organisms from my daphnia culture. And what is most important I saw 6 of them, and who knows maybe there are more..( Finke’s rule:))

    in reply to: Parosphromenus filamentosus in Poland? #4234
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, it is great Wojtek that You finally have Your fish. When I looked on my paros I can also see their caudal extended. Maybe that one on the picture is too young? But if they are young , they must be definitely different species then my Parosphromenus sp. Bintan, becouse of their size. All of my new fish are bigger (longer) then my P sp.bintan. I can clearly see differences beetwen this two species. And other thing – new paros had diffrent night coloration. Their strips become “cutted” into a dots. In P.sp Bintan strips are lighter but visible at night.
    Peter I’m very glad according to Your offer 🙂 But I managed one more aqua for this new paros and I dont have space for another – I will have more space after we moved into a new house for 3-4 month :):) And then I could visit You in Germany to become a owner of new paros species! Thank You one more time for offer and I wish You a nice trip to Poland 🙂


    in reply to: Ready to start #4233
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, very nice tank ! In that kind of aqua You will for sure find young paros after some time 🙂 Please keep us informed!

    in reply to: Parosphromenus filamentosus in Poland? #4227
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I have picture of my Parosphromenus filamentosus. But unfortunately they were in worse condition then I thought. I lost 3 of them in first night – other are good but one is still very slim. I give them all live food I can find and slowly they returned to good condition.

    Is this could be Parosphromenus filamentosus?

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4224
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, Thank You for answer, I will try to do other pictures. I don’t have any substrate on the bottom. Microworms stays alive very long time ( I see them moving on the bottom) and I try to not put to many of them. Today morning I saw 3 of fry – they swimming and eating something (In my daphnia culture are many of very little “organisms” ( I really don’t know what is it) and I put them into my paro-fry aqua.

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4222
    Marcin Chyla

    p.s. after photo, fry disappear….:)

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4221
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello again, during last week I started to give little bit of microworms to my paro fry. I was able to see 2 of them ( now I understand why it is impossible to see fry in main tank – even in so empty tank like my breeding aqua it is very hard to see them and they have unique ability to disappear in second 🙂 ) I taked photo of one – very bad picture but caudal fin is visible. They have big, round stomach so, microworms are eaten:)

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4193
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, today is 6-th day after breeding and yesterday I saw larvaes in cave!!! 🙂 There were 6-7 of them ( maybe more but I can’t see other). Few eggs( only 2 or 3) were attacked by fungus but other hatched. Now I will wait until free swimming of fry and will start with feeding.
    Greetings! 🙂

    in reply to: Parosphromenus filamentosus in Poland? #4192
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, Yesterday I went to this petshop and taked a look to this parosphromenus – They were very slim but only two of them looked very badly. And the most important that all males have extended and pointed caudal fins !!! So I took all of them ( 10 pcs) and place them in new aqua. When I was in that shop, salesman did pH test and pH was 7.5! My is about 5 but fishes were ok when I gently placed them in new aqua. Today I will try to do some pictures of them but maybe I will late few days until they will look better. Anyway I have my second paro species :):) And I’m very happy about that!

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4185
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, in this “main tank” I’m keeping only one species of Parosphromenus. this is what I agree too – not keep more then one paros in the same aqua. For second species ( which I will have in nearly future) I will manage second tank. I attached pictures of my breeding tank – it is not so “empty” – I have floating root on the surface and 2-3 leaves. Besides, this tank is situated behind wood sheet and it is not visible from the room. Paros have quite and peace – I’m moving this sheet only when I watch them. I attached pictures of main aqua and breeding aqua. Also picture of male attached. Greetings!

    in reply to: My experience with Parosphromenus Sp. Bintan #4181
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, thank You for reply. I use this “empty” tank ( 10 L) only for breeding. I have ~100 L main tank for all my 7 parosphromenus and this tank is full of leaves. roots, coco shels and plants. So , if there are some young paros they should survive with any problems. But I didn’t see any of them yet. This 10L breeding tank is empty because I want to breed paros in place which I can see everything:) My water has 30-40 us conductivity and because of lot of organic matter it has pH around 5. Today I removed male and female from breeding aqua. Eggs are visible in the container stick to the little air bubbles. I moved parents in morning but on the evening I regretted it. Some little snails come to this container and dropped eggs dawn 🙁 – my question is , if I have a male – does he will protect eggs against snails? I removed snails and I will wait for larvae. But next time for sure I will leave male longer.
    Best regards!

    in reply to: The European Parosphromenus-diaspora #4164
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello Everyone, I’m just joing to this Paro-map. It is great idea! This I think, would help all paro-friend to menage some kind of “society”. And this is what we all want to do ! 🙂

    in reply to: Searching the brood… #3979
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, thank You for answer, I didn’t want to move pair to seperate tank becouse since I bought my Paros it seems that they are doing very well and I don’t want to change something if it seems to work well 🙂 I will stay with this way of keeping Paros ( long tank with many “caves” and only 3-4 pairs in ) This tank is established ( 1.5 years old) and they are many roots, leafs, coco shells, etc.)in it. So I think that some of fry can stay alive and find enough food. I will now looking closer to the bottom and I will keep my finger cross:):)

    in reply to: What species or form? #3919
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, today morning I done few pictures of curtship. As You mentioned it seems to every female has one male and I saw that one single man trying to get one of female but she’s always get back to her’s male 🙂 The curtship behavior is amazing…

    in reply to: What species or form? #3918
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, today morning I done few pictures of curtship. As You mentioned it seems to every female has one male and I saw that one single man trying to get one of female but she’s always get back to her’s male 🙂 The curtship behavior is amazing…

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