

Marcin Chyla

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  • in reply to: What species or form? #3916
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, after that “spawn’ female changed her behavior, she become more ‘robust’ and she finally defend herself strongly. I also discover one more happy thing – I have 3 female and 4 males – now I know for sure what I have. All four males become colorfull and only females stays is the base colour. These four males spread in to a whole aquarium and establish his territories. Today I saw that other female and one of males doing curtship, is wonderful seeing this – I will try to take pictures… Best regards !

    in reply to: What species or form? #3912
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello aquaristiker, on the picture Your fish seems to have the same colors of unpaired fins – mine have diffrent colors . But maybe picture not shown they real colors?

    in reply to: What species or form? #3908
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I’m affraid that this first spawn wasn’t successful – I can’t see any eggs or fry, but I used to this – first spawns often go wrong (in my experience with cichlids ). But “funny” and I would say “breakthrough” thing was happend… – In one of “Macropode” issue Peter Finke wrote that Paro-friends are simply recognize by the pocket light near their aquarium(s) – so now I’m paro-friend! I bought pocket light to see anything in this dark leaf-cave which my paros chosen to spawn:)
    p.s. more english issue of “Macropode” – it will be great thing :):)

    in reply to: What species or form? #3900
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello ! now I’m watching first spawn !!! of my fish :):) few minutes ago I give them food but I didn’t find my female…. I was worry , I tought that she is gone some how – but I find her under the leaf , she is almost white and she waiting for male, he swim to her on few minutes interval and they spawn!:) I must get back and watching this again::) Greetings!

    in reply to: What species or form? #3895
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I made new pic of my paros – female and male. This time pictures are little lighter 🙂

    in reply to: What species or form? #3856
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, in next month I planned to order new aqua special for paros.(my currently aqua I borrowed from my friend). New aqua will be 120x40cm(wide)x35 And it will be separated on 6 tanks 20x40x35cmm. Two of seperate glass sheet will be easy to removed ( if I will need 40x40x35 tank.)
    My female is the largest fish – it was that from the beginning. She is little larger then male(the bigger one) and that’s why I wrote at the beginning ( my first post) that I was confuse becouse of diffrent shape of my paros body – female was big and “wide” males were small and slim. Now 4 male grow up and looks better. They sometimes try to display in a front of female but only for 1-2 sec. then they chasing her. She seems to have no attention to them.. Probably she isn’t enought old..

    in reply to: What species or form? #3851
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, thank You very much for this answer. I will keep try to do best photos.. I’m worry about one thing – since 4 of my probably 6 males, become “semi-adult” ( at least they become colorfull) they establishment their territories and becouse of this, my one female is still chasing by one of males. She is rather big and she eat well far now , but should I live her with only one male maybe? and move other males to second tank? My tank is rather big (100x30x15cm(water level)and well planted – but I’m worry about her.

    in reply to: What species or form? #3846
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, I don’t mind, not at all 🙂 Thank You for this job ! I would like to ask about this little black spot near pectoral fin. Is this spot is characteristic to all P. bintan group? I see this spot in all my fish including one female I have ( this one is for sure, she is as huge as males but without any fins colors)

    in reply to: Water. 100% Reverse Osmosis? #3794
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, maybe we are far from RO subject, but I have question about live food. Do You give your Paros live food from natural water tanks ( small lakes,rivers, pounds, etc.). Or You have special “tank” for daphnia or other live food?

    in reply to: Water. 100% Reverse Osmosis? #3775
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, sorry for this mistake, next time I will better check what I write 🙂 – I was confused becouse of this 3 ‘antennae’ at the end of this larvae –
    I have 70L basin for live food only for Paros in my garden:) It was made for daphnia but, it is plenty of diffrent kinds of small organisms – and last time was more Ephemeroptera larvaes than daphnia 🙂 For my 7 paros it will be more than enough 🙂

    in reply to: Water. 100% Reverse Osmosis? #3770
    Marcin Chyla

    Hi, Bernd – I thinking what You said about this dragonfly larvae , and in fact it scares me a little 🙂 I quick check this larvae and they are larvae of “Ephemeroptera” I don’t know how it is in english. Anyway that larvae are growing not as huge as dragonfly larvae, in fact they are MUCH more smaller … uff 🙂

    in reply to: Water. 100% Reverse Osmosis? #3769
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, ok I explain my way of thinking… In RO filter we have two ” boxes” wich are separate by membrane – in one “box” we have tap water and in second we have pure water. When pressure in tap water “box” is high – water molecule can go thru the membrane to the second box with pure water. If we do more pressure in tap water box – more water molecule can go thru the membrane. We often put special end to outer pipe from tap water “box” – to increase pressure in that box – it is good.
    Becouse of my long pipe from filter and becouse of high level of my aqua ( 1.5 m higher then RO filter ) ,I increase pressure in pure water “box” and the same time pressure between this two boxes is going down. Then water molecule can’t go easy from one box to second and productivity of RO fiilter is going down. That’s why conductivity of my water was so high. If someone of You have high pressure in his/her tap water instalation, then, the long pipe from pure water box in RO filter in not able to decrease pressure in filter – I have a low pressure and that’s why my RO fiilter pressure decrease so easy… I hope that my explaination was clear 🙂 and readable 🙂 Best regards !

    in reply to: Water. 100% Reverse Osmosis? #3764
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, For many years I use pure RO watr in my tanks but I had only few chances to measure conductivity of my water. To change water in my 625 L tank I use long ( about 4m) plastic pipe connected with my RO filter in bathroom. Becouse my big Tank is about 1.5m above ground this occur increase pressure in RO filter. But I never thought about it…until now. Few days ago I bought conductivity tester and I checked water in both tanks (paros and geophagus). In geophagus (bigger tank) was 230 us and in paros was 130 us. I knew that my RO filter is old and probably I should change the membrane but I checked water directly from Ro filter and it was 25 us. So what increase conductivity in my tank? sand, roots – noo 🙂 It was this pressure… Today I will do water change in the old way….I will use two buckets and I will do few rounds between bathroom and my tanks 🙂 I will decrease conductivity in paros tank to ~ 25 us and next I will prepare 15L tank for one pair of my paros 🙂 I can’t wait…
    About paros.. Now I often feed them with small dragonfly larvae – It is amazing to see how paros hunt for them 🙂 – In my opinion it is better food then moina – they don’t have hard chitin armor like daphnia and even bigger one’s are eaten without any problem. I know that this larvae are predators but I will not give them to paros during breeding.

    in reply to: Water. 100% Reverse Osmosis? #3763
    Marcin Chyla

    Hello, For many years I use pure RO watr in my tanks but I had only few chances to measure conductivity of my water. To change water in my 625 L tank I use long ( about 4m) plastic pipe connected with my RO filter in bathroom. Becouse my big Tank is about 1.5m above ground this occur increase pressure in RO filter. But I never thought about it…until now. Few days ago I bought conductivity tester and I checked water in both tanks (paros and geophagus). In geophagus (bigger tank) was 230 us and in paros was 130 us. I knew that my RO filter is old and probably I should change the membrane but I checked water directly from Ro filter and it was 25 us. So what increase conductivity in my tank? sand, roots – noo 🙂 It was this pressure… Today I will do water change in the old way….I will use two buckets and I will do few rounds between bathroom and my tanks 🙂 I will decrease conductivity in paros tank to ~ 25 us and next I will prepare 15L tank for one pair of my paros 🙂 I can’t wait…
    About paros.. Now I often feed them with small dragonfly larvae – It is amazing to see how paros hunt for them 🙂 – In my opinion it is better food then moina – they don’t have hard chitin armor like daphnia and even bigger one’s are eaten without any problem. I know that this larvae are predators but I will not give them to paros during breeding.

    in reply to: Czech importers/distributors #3741
    Marcin Chyla

    Yes, they are those “P. deissneri”. About this “truth” P deissneri – I also fully doubt in that even ‘local’ asian importers know what species of Parosphromenus they have. But more important is knowledge about locality from those fish come. I asked Damian about locality of my fish but he told me that he have no answer on his e-mail to this asian importers…:( So, I have beautiful fish but I have no idea from what region they are…

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