

Maurice Matla

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  • in reply to: DATZ Article #8820
    Maurice Matla

    A pitty that i am not very good at reading German allthough it is so much like Dutch that i will get a general understanding.

    in reply to: It’s not about getting them to breed … #8815
    Maurice Matla

    Agreed, when breeding fish , not just Paros, these type of problems mostly come from the water not being quite right.

    in reply to: What happened? #8801
    Maurice Matla

    I fully agree on that. Also alder trees are just about everywhere at least over here.

    in reply to: Culturing daphnia/moina? #8782
    Maurice Matla

    You can feed them with yeast and algea water or ¨green water¨ as we call it around here.

    To obtain said water take a clear container with at least a good part aquarium water.

    put in a few drops ofr coffeemilk in it (teh stuff that coms in those litle cups. Put it in a sunny place maybe use an airstone and wait for the magic to happen.

    You can also use bloodmeal a single grain of the stuff usually is. sufficient.

    we (my brother in law and i) always used aquarium water. However you coul duse part aquariumwater and part tapwater depending on where you are. In large parts of the world that si not a good idea over here it can be done due too the high quality of Dutch tapwater.

    in reply to: My pharospromensus Linkei #8755
    Maurice Matla

    These guy´s are doing quite well.

    in reply to: Enviromental sex determination. #8739
    Maurice Matla

    I´m diving into that article later on.

    in reply to: Using rain water in an urban area? #8738
    Maurice Matla

    We all make mistakes it is the less fun part of learning but essential to it.

    As we say over here it is not that you make them but what you with it.

    in reply to: Crypts for the Paros tank #8729
    Maurice Matla

    Creative folkes can create good looking tanks with few materials just as well. It si all amatter of taste ofcourse about wich as the Dutch saying goes arguing is pointless.

    in reply to: Filter bacteria growth under PH 5. #8525
    Maurice Matla

    That is quite some interresting stuff to dig in too.

    I have been absent for a little while we very recently lost my eldest sister at age 40. So i had other things on my mind.

    But it is nice too see how this thread is developing.

    in reply to: Filter bacteria growth under PH 5. #8505
    Maurice Matla

    Thanks fore explaning

    i came across a bit harder than i meant i think. I did not feel unwelcome or anything like that. Maybe in English what i said comes across in different way than it would in Dutch.

    I am getting into Paros fore a few reasons one is a desire to take my hobby to the next level after almost 32 years (i started age 5) i feel the time has come to specialise. Giffen the way my life currently is it would have to be in ¨pocket size¨ I simply do not have the possebility to dedecate a whole room to it. Paros of course are very suited fore that. A meter or so of wallspace allready goes a long way.

    Getting into a side of aquaristics that contribute´s too a more sustaineble way of doing things is a big one to. a more sustaineble world (of wich species preservation is a part) is something i am very interrested in especially in the way´s the common guy can contribute to that. Combining that with one of my 2 passions in life seems a big plus.

    also on a more personal note My grandfather noticed that even as a very young child whenever an aquarium was in sight (he had several large and very large one¨s) i was fasinated. On my fifth birthday h etook me to the LFS to get some food fore his black angels. But when we left a real aquarium (not a kids kind of deal) was in the back of the car. 96 Ltrs , to the horror of my mom. Esealy the best birthday present to this day and i still have that tank running As a reminder. My grandfather and i walked the path just short of 12 years. Day´s before that he finally had to surrender to mother nature weeks short of age 65 his forty years battle with lung deseas ended. The last thing he told me as he often did to one day specialise.

    I feel the time is comming up to make good on that promise. In contuary to him i am far from university material nor have a mind much suited fore booklearning as we say here. He thauhgt me many times that that was no matter as long as i never stopped asking questions, look at things from many angels and keep my mind open. I just try doing that.

    I think i have enough motivation.

    in reply to: Filter bacteria growth under PH 5. #8502
    Maurice Matla

    I would hardly be here iff i was not would i ?

    I just dig around , alot, and when i come a cross something that might be of interest i bring it up. Just another dumb welder and sensei trying to keep an open mind.

    in reply to: My pharospromensus Linkei #8497
    Maurice Matla

    That´s a nice surprise i´d say

    in reply to: My pharospromensus Linkei #8470
    Maurice Matla

    Nice going Jootje

    in reply to: Let there be light. #8441
    Maurice Matla

    Hey Stefanie, thank´s fore sharing this. I never even thought about using such lights. But they look very useble indeed.

    And they are located just minute´s away from my appartment.

    in reply to: Public display. #8426
    Maurice Matla

    I´m sorry, so far i did not really realize that is was doing that.

    This discussion at least wad meant world wide since i haven´t seen then anyware i went As wide as i traveld.
    Until today that si i went to the aquahortus exhibition and saw 2 smaal tanks with paros one with nagyi en one only labeleld as P. ¨species¨ wich i could not regonize.

    In both tanks the fish were very shy And did not not look too happy. my best guess being too busy and possibly too much light.

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