

CAUVET Christian

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  • in reply to: Species identification #4397
    CAUVET Christian

    My fish ( blue line ?) comes from “Kolle Zoo” in Germany, bought at the end of september 2011

    in reply to: Species identification #4392
    CAUVET Christian

    Thanks to Martin ad Peter

    So I’ll consider it is not harveyi but species blue line. I hope I’ll succed with the young fish I have got. After, I’ll try other species, if I succeed in getting some.

    in reply to: Species identification #4382
    CAUVET Christian

    Thank you very much for Peter’s and Helene’s new contributions to help me to identify this fish. So with all your answers, I think the best for me is to keep my fish as “sp” CI 2011 ( CI for “Commercial Import” it is the way we name killifish that are found in the trade ( I am for a very long time a killifish aquarist (and collector)). I’ll soon know in which shop it had been bought ( Kolle zoo or Zoo Zajac ?)
    But you can propose me another way to name it.

    in reply to: Species identification #4380
    CAUVET Christian

    Thanks for your two answers. I have found no picture of sp “Sentang”, so I can’t compare with my fish.
    The picture of P. harveyi on its page also shows a fish with iridescent bands ont the fins.

    for Martin : I have completed my profile. I am from France (normandy) I’ll complete it next with an avatar.


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