

Ryan P

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  • in reply to: My first paros spawning! #5166
    Ryan P

    Hi Helene,

    TDS is at 105. I remember Peter saying (I think) something over 50 would cause a problem with the eggs sticking. I dont remember if he said TDS or conductivity. I was thinking i could remove the cave to a new tank without the male? How long before the eggs hatch? I have to get food ready! Baby brine shrimp is all i can think of right now.

    The male stayed with the eggs all night. I really see a difference since I have been feeding blackworms.


    in reply to: Paro with brown in unpaired fins #5089
    Ryan P

    Have the quindecim been available in the United States ever.?

    in reply to: Paros. Sp. “Ampah” #5080
    Ryan P

    Ray, your fish have colored up or darkened more than mine.. What are the parameters of your water and ph, temperature? Did you lose any? I lost a few in the beginning.

    in reply to: Paros. Sp. “Ampah” #5038
    Ryan P


    Yours do look like “Ampah.

    Notice below my pictures. I have had it since mid-December. Notice the filament has grown out nicely; when I got them, the caudal fin looked very much like yours–cut or damaged.

    I have one female, she has a rounded caudal, but also the filament grows out of her caudal as well. I didn’t take any pictures of her.

    in reply to: Species available this week from Wet Spot #5029
    Ryan P


    What is the best way to introduce new paros to the tank who have been at the store in ph of 7 or so and then to put them in the tank with a ph of 4? Does the drop kill them? Or do you move thrm in stages over time from tank to tank, lowering ph each time?

    in reply to: Paro with brown in unpaired fins #4953
    Ryan P

    I have read several times mention of the IGL forum. How do I access that? Is there an English equivalent or is it in German? I would like to see the pictures of the sp. Ampah.

    Also, I should add that 2 of my 3 male Sp. Ampah have filaments extending about 2.0 mm from their caudal fins. The third looks like it may still grow in; for some reason their fins were terribly damaged when I bought them.


    in reply to: Paros acting strangely #4879
    Ryan P

    The sp. Ampah do look different, I have posted pictures in the past. The filament caudal is developing quite nicely on them now. I believe I have two females and I hope to spawn them.

    The sp. Ampah, as well as the latest one in the picture were both sold as “filamentosus”

    The second fish also died, the body was almost black and the caudal was a thick, vibrant red color with some black in it.

    in reply to: Paros acting strangely #4875
    Ryan P

    The fish looked like this yesterday when I bought it. A very narrow body type.

    in reply to: Paros acting strangely #4874
    Ryan P

    I have asked before and I can’t get any imformation of where the imports are from. I know that only several were sent when the dealer ordered much more. One had already died when I got to the store. There are a few left, I will see if I could get them. I do know it was the same importer that I got the sp. Ampah from, and the importer sold it as “filamentosus” now known as the sp. Ampah. When I cam home today, one was dead and the other is close to it. I wonder if they are simply not eating? The color is much different than what I saw yesterday. The whole body is red. There is light blue all along the edge of the fins. Quite a pretty fish! I have included a picture of the one still alive, he is on his side.

    in reply to: Paros acting strangely #4869
    Ryan P

    I have had this with males also, but these are females as you said. I picked up 2 more yesterday and they look to be somewhat different than the ampah. I’ll send pictures when they color up. I too think it is stress related, or perhaps O2 related initially. I don’t believe these females are ready for spawning as they are quite small.

    in reply to: Paros acting strangely #4866
    Ryan P

    Hi Peter,

    When I first got the fish a month ago there was no problem, although probably 20% died at the store from that batch.

    I have 3 small sp. ampah in the tank of 12 liters. I give them twice a day 10 adult brine shrimp. A throw in a little daphnia too. The food is being consumed, but i don’t know if it is by the two healthier ones. When i first throw the food in i wait and they don’t always eat right away.

    This particular tank has Reverse Osmosis water in it, nothing else.

    I did leave the tank for a week with the two driftwoods and leaves without water changes due to two deaths of friends over the holidays. But i didn’t think a week would this. Of course i continued feeding and the water was a nice tea color.

    I checked this morning, day 5, fish are still alive so i can only assume they are eating. I do remember noticing very heavy breathing in the beginning. I am going to feed baby artemia today, even if my paros are sick they eat that.

    I did test water values after that week and all was fine. There was no temperature shock i am aware of. I keep it at 78F.

    Of the 3 fish 2 have it, one worse than the other. I did observe 2 of them eating yesterday. I will continue to observe. As long as this is not bacterial because i am not medicating.

    in reply to: Paros acting strangely #4864
    Ryan P

    I had put two large pieces of driftwood in the tank about 1 month ago which started to smell a lot I noticed today. So I pulled them out of the tank also today. So there is at least 4 days of the paros acting/swimming funny (2 of the 3 paros). Is it possible that the leaves and the wood affected the O2 level which then could affect the swim bladder of the fish? The fish uses every bit of energy it has to move around, tail dragging practically or swimming almost in a vertical position. Still eating, but I see no sign of improvement yet, it just sits on the bottom of the tank halfway on its side. No visible sign of illness, though the fish is much darker than the one which is acting normal.

    in reply to: Paros acting strangely #4863
    Ryan P

    No filter… I have a few indian almond leaves for about two weeks and two large driftwood pieces. Thanks for the tip. It did look like they are not getting O2.

    in reply to: Disaster in my tank #4815
    Ryan P

    Happy to report the fish are looking better. No deaths. No medicine. No scrating against objects.
    Licorice haven’t colored up yet but are getting there.

    Slowly bringing ph down to target 5.0.

    Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone.


    in reply to: Disaster in my tank #4814
    Ryan P

    Happy to report the fish are looking better. No deaths. No medicine. No scrating against objects.
    Licorice haven’t colored up yet but are getting there.

    Slowly bringing ph down to target 5.0.

    Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone.


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