

Russell Green

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  • in reply to: The Hamburg Meeting #8372
    Russell Green

    I would just like to echo the previous comments.

    The whole weekend was educational, informative and very enjoyable. The amount of time and effort taken before and during the meeting must have been immense, and very much appreciated. Thankyou to you all.

    As John previous wrote, we got our fish home without any problems and so far they seem to have settled well. Thanks to the generosity of other breeders making fish available to us, the numder of species in the UK has more than doubled. We now need to carry on their good work, and breed them ourselves.

    Hope to see you all, and many more new memberr at our next meeting, wherever in the world that may be.

    in reply to: Is this Phoenicurus? #8056
    Russell Green

    Thankyou for your replies.

    Helene. The fish came from 2 different shops. I saw the Phoenicurus advertised by a shop on an aquarist sales site.
    They had previously had some other Paro species which I managed to buy some of, and I presume the got them because the others had sold well. But I dont think there was any interest from the shop just purely financial. I know they came from Singapore, but they didn’t know, or wouldn’t say who were the exporters.
    The Ornaticauda were ordered specially for us by a shop that imports regularly from Ruinemans, after their availability was posted here.

    Peter. Please don’t feel like you have to defend the cautious nature of the census. I completely agree with it.
    On my reply to the census, I noted that the fish were imported as and looked like Phoenicurus. However because there was not a positive id unlike the fish in Germany, I didn’t want them to be included with them and possibly cause future confusion.
    I shall still include these fish in future census as Phoenicurus of undetermined commercial import, so as to differentiate between these and the Aquarium Dietzenbach fish.

    in reply to: P. ornaticauda by Ruinemans #8038
    Russell Green

    I have ordered 10 P. Ornaticauda through a local aquatic shop.

    They should be here for next weekend. Hopefully they will be in a good condition. 🙂

    in reply to: Alder cones #7964
    Russell Green

    Hi John.

    I too am sorry to hear of your losses.
    I do a similar thing with the alder cones when preparing water. So far I have had no problems, but I will be more observant to their effects in future.

    If you need some P. Nagyi as replacements, I have some young adults you are welcome to try. Let me know.

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7793
    Russell Green

    When my Filamentosus and Bintan first laid eggs, I left the parents in the main tank.

    They ate all but 2 of the babies, so I decided to try out these two methods to hopefully get more babies to survive.

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7792
    Russell Green


    I removed the Nagyi parents and left the babies in the main tank. So im not sure how many there are as they are hiding among the leaves on the bottom of the tank. 🙂

    I removed the nest and the fry for the Linkei and Bintan to 4 litre tanks. I followed Bernds method to remove the babies when they turn dark in colour. This seems to be a better way to control the amount of food so as not to over feed and pollute the tank.

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7790
    Russell Green

    Hi Dorothee
    I hope you don’t mind me adding to your success with breeding these beautiful little gems.

    I have managed to get my first successful breeding of not only Linkei, but Nagyi and my Bintan form as well. All within 10 days of each other.

    Only small numbers of babies, as the parents are still young, but they seem to be coming on well.

    Reading members comments and experience on these forums really helps guide you in the right direction.

    in reply to: Increasing UK species base? #7317
    Russell Green

    I completely agree with jalmj. I would also like to obtain species of Paro with a definite identification. The most information we usually get from the LFS is the name of the importer and nothing else. As we all know, trying to identify stressed and colourless fish in a LFS aquarium is almost impossible. Without knowing anything of their origin, it’s a frustrating situation.

    I recently purchased a group of P. Phoenicurus. They came into the UK at the same time as the positively identified fish arrived in Germany, they are small as are the German fish. They also look like the fish in the photos. But as I don’t have any positive information about location, can I be certain that they are Phoenicurus?

    This is the kind of situation we end up with, and as I said, its frustrating.

    in reply to: my new linkei :-) #7302
    Russell Green

    Hi Dorothee, and congratulations on the fry.

    Sorry im a little late to this forum, but ive been on holiday.
    But to take the topic back slightly, I have also had the strange structure in my paro tanks. It has only occurred in my breeding tanks, and only around the nest site. I have never had it in my female only tanks, or tanks with none breeding fish.
    Is this the same as other members observations, or is it just a coincidence?

    in reply to: Effective against hydra? #6699
    Russell Green

    Thankyou all for your helpful advice.

    I really dont like to add chemicals to my aquariums unless I have too. However if something is tried and tested and is not harmful to my fish then that should be ok.

    Thankyou very much Bernd for your kind offer, I will send you a personal message with my details. This will ensure I am treating my fish with the correct medication.

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