Forum Replies Created
ParticipantApparently Paros have what it take to hunt on snails. I’ve just witnessed a female waiting for snail to come out of its shell a bit while climbing a wall. At exact moment he did that, she bit him to the body and almost succeded with takin him out of the shell. I could hear the shell scratching the wall. That’s the first time I saw that, but I heard the noise connected with such activity several times during this year.
Participant22 hours later fry hatched, and male moved almost every one of them to the new hideout.
ParticipantI have mine in 70l tank, and they can show rasboras where they belong: away. Paros are predators, and they’re built for survival of the fittest. They can be quick, they can even be fierce as compared to the opinion about them. I’ve seen my Paros taking on a whole shoal of Boraras maculatus, to get the glassworm he wanted, even though there were some other larvaes closer to him.
ParticipantFrom a Polish company “Aquael”.
ParticipantOne on the intake, and one on the outlet of the filter. There are special lamps to combine with the hose.
ParticipantYou might want to try the joint filtration system with UVlamps. It would be much easier.
ParticipantI change 5-10 litres every week in a 70 litres aquarium. + I add the water that evaporated. Sometimes, but rarely, I don’t do the water change. It’s because I get water from my father, and sometimes I can’t visit him.
I also have an external Aquael FZN-1 filter set for maximal flow (500l/h for a new flter, not sure how much is it now – I don’t clean it).
Much of the work is done by Ceratopteris, Vallisneria and other plants, so the water quality is really nice. I also have java snails to clean up, and helenas to controll the former population.
ParticipantThese paros are high on my wishlist ;D.
ParticipantOk, so it is the 8’th day after the “fallout” with my dog, and it’s the first time fishes let me do some photos. I am in the process of uploading 109 MB of photos to imageshack, so in few minutes I will add a link to them. They are a bit dark, but that was a compromise between the sharpness and brightness of the photos. They were taken with additional light source: two desk lamps, 18W and 20W, with the ISO 200, and 1/20′ capture.
If You find any photo broken, or want me to brighten a particular shot, just say so, and I will upload modified image ;D.
ParticipantWel.. PP is such kind of forum. It sometimes bothers me too ;p. There is the problem of lingvistical barrier. Everyone writes in english, of course, but it is common that the way it is read isn’t the way we intended. 😀 It’s usually a case for me. I try to say sth as a joke or just as a dare, and it results in a storm! For example my former post was meant to be read without any sneer!
Btw, I look forward to the photos of these Paros in the breeding mood :D!
ParticipantStefanie, in the first photo one could only see the fin colour and the fact, that this fish in fact HAS a head ;p.
ParticipantP. anjunganensis.