Census 2013 Spring Parosphromenus-Project
General synopsis of results without comments
Assembled by Uwe Küster (Sehnde, Germany) and Benjamin Wilden (Paderborn, Germany)
Period of data collection: 01.04.2013 – 15.05.2013
Participation (including negative reports):
♂ = male / Männchen / mâle
♀ = female / Weibchen / femelle
NZ = fry / Jungfische / progéniture
adult = adult / Alttier / adulte
01. Parosphromenus alfredi
01.1P. alfredi “Sedili” (Malaysia, Johor)
Godfather: Bussler, Buisson (?), Beyer (NEW)
Report : Peter Beyer 2,2 Nz 20
Bernd Bussler 1,1 NZ 70
Olivier Perrin 4,4
01.2P. alfredi (commercial trade)
Godfather :
Report : Peter Finke 1,1
01.3P. spec. aff. alfredi “Kota Tinggi” (commercial trade Yap 2006)
Godfather: Hallmann (?), Beyer (NEW)
Report : Peter Beyer 2,2 NZ 15
02. Parosphromenus allani
02.1P. allani “Sibu” (Malaysia, Sarawak)
Godfather :
Report : Bernd Bussler 5,0
02.2P. allani (commercial trade)
02.4 P. spec. aff. allani “Lundu”
Godfather :
Report : Bernd Bussler 1,1 NZ 6
03. Parosphromenus anjunganesis
03.1P. anjunganensis “Anjungan” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat)
03.2P. anjunganensis (commercial trade)
Godfather: Gahler (NEW), Spergser (NEW)
Report : Marius Tegethoff 4,2
Hans Martin Hanslin 1,1 NZ 15
Andreas Gahler 5,4 NZ 56
Helene Schoubye 1,1 NZ 1
Joachim Spergser 3,3 NZ 3
Peter Finke 1,1
04. Parosphromenus bintan
04.1P. bintan “Pulau Bintan” (Indonesia, Kepulauan Riau)
04.2P. bintan (commercial import)
Report :
04.3P. spec. aff. bintan “Blue line” (commercial import)
Godfather: Gantschnigg, Chyla (NEW)
Report : Stefaan Riem 2,3
Lennart Frieritz 2,1 NZ ca 12
Stefanie Rick 0,4
Maciej Chochla 7,1NZ vorhanden
Paul Hards vorhanden
Martin Fischer 1,7
Jim Robinson vorhanden
Patrick Guhmann 4,2 NZ 4
Anton Lamboj 3,1
Stefano Valdesalid 6 Tiere
Gerald Gantschnigg 40,40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Herve Gonin 2,2
Bartian Bosch 5,4
Marcin Chyla 3,2 NZ 18
Olivier Perrin 1,2 NZ vorhanden
04.4P. spec. aff. bintan “Sentang” (commercial import)
Godfather: Bosch (NEW)
Report : Mike Hu 4 Tiere
Jonas Rombach 2,5
Bartian Bosch 1,1 NZ 10
04.5 P. spec. aff. bintan “Dua”
Godfather : Linke, Küster (NEW)
Report : Linke 50 Tiere
Bernd Bussler 1,2 NZ 30
Küster 2,2 NZ vorhanden
Peter Finke 1,1
04.5P. spec. aff. bintan “Sungai Bertam” (commercial import)
Godfather: Münsch
Report : Benjamin Wilden 1,0
Hans Martin Hanslin 6 Tiere
Volker Münsch 2,3 NZ 10
Heinrich Bayer 10,10
04.6 P. spec. aff. bintan “Sumatra”
Godfather :
Report : Hans Schellein 6,4
Joachim Spergser 6,0
05. Parosphromenus deissneri
05.1P. deissneri “Belilik” (Indonesia, Bangka-Belitung)
Report :
05.2P. deissneri (commercial import)
Godfather :
Report : Bernd Bussler 1,1
06. Parosphromenus filamentosus
06.1P. filamentosus “Banjarmasin” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Selatan)
06.2P. filamentosus (commercial import)
Godfather: Beu, Finke, Bussler
Report : Paul Hards 2,2 NZ vorhanden
Günter Oberjatzas 1,1
Gerhard Geiger 3 Tiere
Thomas Beu 4,2 NZ 16
Jim Robinson vorhanden
Herve Gonin 2,0 sucht Weibchen
Verena Barwitz 0,1 NZ 10
Andreas Gahler 2,1
Bernd Bussler 5,4 NZ 25
Peter Finke 1,1 NZ 12
06.3P. cf. filamentosus (Linke: Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah)
Godfather: –
Report :
06.4 P.cf filamentosus spec. Ampah
Godfather : Kellermann (NEW)
Report : Achim Henke 1,1 NZ 5
Andreas Gahlert 1,1
Max Kellermann 5,5 NZ 15
Henry Kretschmer 1,1 NZ 3
Ted 5,1
Joachim Spergser 5,5
Anne u Thorsten Kolb 1,1
Peter Finke 1,1 NZ 2
07. Parosphromenus harveyi
07.1P. harveyi “Tanjung Malim/Selangorforest” (Malaysia, Selangor)
Godfather: Bussler, Schoubye (NEW)
Report : Benjamin Wilden 0,1
Henry Kretschmer 1,1
Jonas Rombach 3,3
Andreas Gahler 2,0
Helene Schoubye 15,4 NZ 10
Bernd Bussler 1,1 NZ 35
Dahms 2,2 NZ 16
07.2P. harveyi (commercial import)
Godfather: Fischer, Hallmann (?)
Report : Martin Fischer 1,1 NZ 20
Richard Brode 1,1
Peter Finke 1,1 NZ 11
07.2 P. harveji “ Kuala Kubu/ Selangor”
Godfather : Henke (NEW)
Report : Achim Henke 2,2 NZ 5
Jan Glauder 6 Tiere
Andreas Gahler 2,0
08. Parosphromenus linkei
08.1P. linkei “Sukamara” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah)
Godfather: Buisson (?)
Report :
08.2P. linkei (commercial import)
Godfather: Bussler, Kolb
Report : Frank Laux 16
Thomas Beu 3,2
Herve Gonin 2,21
Verena Barwitz 2,2
Bartian Bosch 2,3
Bernd Bussler 3,2 NZ 15
Anne u Thorsten Kolb 2,2 NZ 5
Dahms 2,2
Peter Finke 1,1 NZ 5
08.3P. cf. linkei (Linke: Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah)
Godfather: –
Report : Henry Kretschmer 2,1
Marius Tegethoff 1,0 NZ 6
Dominique Staincq 33,6 NZ 12
Helene Schoubye 1,1 NZ 14
08.4P. spec. aff. linkei “Seruyan” (commercial import)
Godfather: Bussler
Report : Achim Henke 1,1 15 NZ
Bernd Bussler 2,3
Küster 1,1 NZ vorhanden
08.5 P. spec. aff. linkei “ Palangkaraya”
Godfather :
Report : Anton Lamboj 2,1
Linke 50
08.6 P.spec. aff. linkei “Pangkalanbun”
Report : Olivier Perrin 4,4
09. Parosphromenus nagyi
09.1P. nagyi “Kuantan” (Malaysia, Pahang)
Godfather: Finke, Dahms (NEW)
Report : Dominique Staincq 2,0
Helene Schoubye 1,1 NZ 9
Bernd Bussler 1,1 NZ 6
Dahms 2,2 NZ 16
Peter Finke 2,2
09.2 P. nagyi “Nenasi” (Malaysia, Pahang)
Godfather: Kolb, Hallmann (?)
Report : Achim Henke 2,2 8NZ
Ingo Jüdes 2,2
Stefanie Rick 1,1
Peter Beyer 1,1 NZ 50
Jonas Rombach 1,1 NZ 50
Anne u Thorsten Kolb 2,2 NZ 10
09.3 P. nagyi (commercial import)
Report : Frank Laux 12
Florian Lahrmann ca 100
Marius Tegethoff 2 Jungtiere
09.4P. cf. nagyi “Cherating” (Malaysia, Pahang)
Godfather: Schoubye, Beu
Report : Thomas Beu 5 Tier
Jan Glauder 1,1
Helene Schoubye 3,3 NZ 30
Bernd Bussler 2,3
Peter Finke 1,1
10. Parosphromenus opallios
10.1P. opallios “Sukamara” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah)
Godfather: –
Report : Dominique Staincq 0,7
10.2P. opallios (commercial import)
Report : Ted 5,6
Andy Love 3,2
Linke 0,5
11. Parosphromenus ornaticauda
11.1 P. ornaticauda “Anjungan” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat)
Report :
11.2 P. ornaticauda (commercial import)
Godfather: Bussler, Fischer, Hallmann (?)
Report : Achim Henke 4,4
Paul Hards 3,3
Martin Fischer 3,3
Jim Robinon vorhanden
Anon Lamboj 1,0 sucht Weibchen
Stefano Valdesalid 1,0
Gerald Gantschnigg 5,5
Herve Gonin 2,2
Peter Beyer 2,2
Jonas Rombach 4,5
Andreas Gahler 1,0
Bernd Bussler 6,9
Joachim Spergser 4,3
Anne u Thorsten Kolb 1,0
Küster 1,1
Peter Finke 1,1
12. Parosphromenus pahuensis
12.1P. pahuensis “Muarapahu” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Timur)
Godfather : Guhmann (NEW)
Report : Patrick Guhmann 4,4 NZ 1
12.2P. pahuensis (commercial import)
Godfather: Kolb
Report : Stefanie Rick 1,1
Bernd Bussler 6 Tiere
Anne u Thorsten Kolb 2,2 NZ 35
13. Parosphromenus paludicola
13.1P. paludicola “Kota Bharu” (Malaysia, Kelantan)
Report : Peter Finke 0,3
13.2P. paludicola “Paka” (Malaysia, Terengganu)
Godfather: Bussler
Report : Andreas Gahler 0,1
Bernd Bussler 1,1 NZ 50
Peter Finke NZ 4
13.3 P. paludicola “Sungai Kolok” (Thailand, Narathiwat)
Godfather :
Report : Hendrik Wimmer 8 Tiere
Jonas Rombach 3,0
13.4P. paludicola (commercial import)
Gogfather :
Report :
13.5P. spec. aff. paludicola “Wakaf Tapei” (Malaysia, Terengganu)
Godfather :
Report :
14. Parosphromenus parvulus
14.1 P. parvulus “Babugus” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah)
Godfather: Finke
Report : Peter Finke 1,2
14.2P. parvulus “Palangkaraya” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah)
Report : Olivier Perrin 4,4
14.3 P. parvulus (commercial import)
Godfather: Schoubye (NEW)
Report : Ted 2,4
Stefano Valdesalid 3 Tiere
Helene Schoubye 4,6 NZ 10
14.4 P. parvulus “ Tangkiling”
Godfather : Buisson (?)
Report : Richard Brode 2,2
15. Parosphromenus phoenicurus (Langgam)
Godfather: Fischer
Report : Hans Schellein 13,7
Achim Henke 1,1 NZ 3
Martin Fischer 3,2 NZ 10
Florian Lahrmann 1,1 NZ 2
Bernd Bussler 1,1
16. Parosphromenus quindecim
16.1 P. quindecim “Nangatayap” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat)
16.2P. quindecim (commercial trade)
Godfather: Lukiewski, Kolb
Report : Achim Henke 2,2
Stefanie Rick 1,1
Günter Oberjatzas 6,1
Bernhard Lukiewski 90,85!!!!!!!
Florian Lahrmann 2,1 NZ 10
Herve Gonin 1,1 NZ 5
Andreas Gahler 1,1
Bartian Bosch 2,2
Bernd Bussler 2,2 NZ 15
Anne u Thorsten Kolb 3,3 NZ 5
Dahms 1,1
Küster 1,1
Peter Finke 3,3 NZ 2
17. Parosphromenus rubrimontis
17.1P. rubrimontis “Bukit Merah” (Malaysia, Perak)
Godfather: Bussler, Küster, Rombach (NEW)
Report : Jonas Rombach 3,3 NZ 30
Bernd Bussler 1,1 NZ 20
Küster 1,1 NZ vorhanden
17.2P. rubrimontis (commercial trade)
Gogfather :
Report :
17.3P. spec. aff. rubrimontis (commercial trade Mimbon 2008)
Report : Bartian Bosch 2,2
Benjamin Wilden 1 NZ
18. Parosphromenus sumatranus
18.1P. sumatranus “Pijoan” (Indonesia, Jambi)
18.2P. sumatranus (commercial trade)
Report : Anton Lamboj 1,1 sucht Tiere
Bernd Bussler 8 Tiere
Piskunov 15 Tiere
19. Parosphromenus tweediei
19.1P. tweediei “Pekan Nenas” (Malaysia, Johor)
Godfather: Beyer, Hallmann (?)
Report : Achim Henke 1,1 NZ 5
Jan Glauder 1,1
Peter Beyer 1,1 NZ 8
Andreas Gahler 1,1
Bartian Bosch 2,2
Bernd Bussler 1,1 NZ 25
Olivier Perrin 1,0
Dahms 2,2
19.2P. tweediei “Sri Bunian” (Malaysia, Johor)
Godfather: Beyer
Report : Peter Beyer 1,1 NZ 20
Jonas Rombach 3,3
Oliver Perrin 1,1
Küster 1,1 NZ vorhanden
19.3 P. tweediei (commercial trade)
Godfather :
Report :
20. Parosphromenus spec. “Danau Rasau” Jetzt P. gunawani
20.1P. gunawani (Indonesia, Jambi)
Gogfather :
Report : Linke 0,5
21. Parosphromenus spec. “Pematanglumut
Gogfather :
Report :
Wilfried Kenner, Jakob Geck, Horst Filitz, Christian Hinz, Ingo Schindler, MarlenRay,
Timo Vaut, Jens Gronewold, Uwe Römer, Stephan Schulte, Rick Glencross,
Jochen Hübner, James Pasola, Christian Köpp, Jürgen Schmidt, Robert Young,
Dario Cast