Census 2014 Spring Parosphromenus-Project
General synopsis of results with comments
Assembled by Benjamin Wilden (Detmold, Germany)
Period of data collection: 01.04.2014 – 21.05.2014
Participation (including negative reports):
Godfather: |
Marked godfathers (?) did not participate
Report : |
Name of keeper |
1.2.3 := 1 Male, 2 Female, 3 Unknown
J := Juvenile
(X) := Origin
[X] := Comment
01. Parosphromenus alfredi
01.1P. alfredi “Sedili” (Malaysia, Johor)
Godfather: |
Bussler, Beyer
Report : |
Bussler Beyer Finke Riem |
1.1 2.3 0.1 1.1 |
15J |
(Perrin) |
[F1] |
01.2P. alfredi (commercial trade)
01.3P. spec. aff. alfredi “Kota Tinggi” (commercial trade Yap 2006)
Godfather: |
Hallmann(?) |
Report : |
02. Parosphromenus allani
02.1P. allani “Sibu” (Malaysia, Sarawak)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Bussler |
5.0 |
02.2 P. spec. aff. allani “Lundu”
Godfather: |
Report : |
Bussler |
1.1 |
22J |
(Hinze) |
03. Parosphromenus anjunganesis
03.1P. anjunganensis (commercial trade)
Godfather: |
Gahler, Spergser |
Report : |
Hanslin Schoubye Spergser Gahler |
2.4 2.2 5.3 1.1 |
8J 10J |
04. Parosphromenus bintan
04.1P. bintan (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Chyla, Gantschnigg |
Report : |
Chyla Little Fischer Hellweg
Schoubye Gantschnigg
Ridderinkhof Bosch
Seastrand Strzała Kotzulla Von Rakov Riem Walsh Lamboj Schellein |
4.1 2.2 2.4 2.2
2.3.1 2.4
1.1 7.4
2.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 1.3 3.4 3.3 12.6 |
12J |
(tropicwater 1/2011)
Various (12/13)
(Aqua Tropica/Nürnberg) |
[F3-P.”deissneri” trade]
trade 2011 (‘Sumatra’) |
04.2P. spec. aff. bintan “Sentang” (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Walsh Guhmann |
1.1 1.1.17 |
J |
04.3 P. spec. aff. bintan “Dua”
Godfather: |
Report : |
Bussler Grenouillet |
1.2 1.1 |
33J |
(Linke) (Bussler 2014) |
04.4P. spec. aff. bintan “Sungai Bertam” (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Münsch |
Report : |
Bayer Münsch |
0.0.20 4.7 |
[F1] |
05. Parosphromenus deissneri
05.2P. deissneri (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Bussler |
1.2 |
(Schoubye) |
06. Parosphromenus filamentosus
06.2P. filamentosus (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Beu (?), Finke, Bussler |
Report : |
Bussler Sabarudin Henke Gahler Sweeting Finke Kotzulla Walsh Menzel |
5.4 2.2 2.2.25 1.0 3.3 1.2 2.2 1.1 1.1 |
(Bussler) (Bussler)
(Bussler) |
06.4 P.cf filamentosus spec. Ampah
Godfather: |
Kellermann |
Report : |
Kretschmer Spergser Henke Finke Kellermann |
3.1 5.0 5.5 0.1 5.3.15 |
10J |
(Tropicwater) |
07. Parosphromenus harveyi
07.1P. harveyi “Tanjung Malim/Selangorforest” (Malaysia, Selangor)
Godfather: |
Bussler, Schoubye |
Report : |
Bussler Sabarudin Schoubye Henke Gahler Juhl Menzel Grenouillet |
1.1 3.3 3.3.25 1.2.6 1.0 4.0 1.1 1.1 |
45J 3J
18J |
(self-caught) WC
(Bussler) (Bussler)
(Bussler) (Bussler 2014) |
07.2P. harveyi (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Fischer |
Report : |
Fischer Finke Kellermann |
1.1 1.1 |
6J |
08. Parosphromenus linkei
08.1P. linkei “Sukamara” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah)
Godfather: |
Staincq (NEW) |
Report : |
Staincq Schoubye |
32.6 2.2.10 |
10J |
(Linke) |
08.2P. linkei (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Bussler |
Report : |
Bussler Chyla Little Hellweg Meleard Finke Riem Kellermann Menzel |
3.2 3.3 0.0.6 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 3.1.2 3.3 |
15J 14J
6J 1J 10J
20J |
(Yap) WC
[CI2013] |
08.3P. cf. linkei (Linke: Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Tegethoff |
1.0 |
08.4P. spec. aff. linkei “Seruyan” (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Henke |
1.1.7 |
18J |
(Bussler) |
08.5 P.spec. aff. linkei “Pangkalanbun”
Godfather: |
Report : |
Riem |
1.1 |
4J |
(Perrin 2013) |
09. Parosphromenus nagyi
09.1P. nagyi “Kuantan” (Malaysia, Pahang)
Godfather: |
Finke, Menzel (NEW) |
Report : |
Bussler Lahrmann Staincq Schoubye Finke Menzel |
1.1 2.2 1.0 3.3 5.1 1.1 |
18J J
>50J |
(Bussler) |
[4 year old pair] |
09.2 P. nagyi “Nenasi” (Malaysia, Pahang)
Godfather: |
Hallmann (?) |
Report : |
Beyer Henke |
0.3 2.1.5 |
19J |
(T. Kolb und A. Pähler, Import- Stamm |
09.3 P. nagyi (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Chodes Rick
Chyla McCathie Hellweg Spergser Meleard
Kotzulla |
3.1 3.3 4.3
3.3 2.2 2.2(+1.1)
2.2.30 |
2J 14J 14J
50J 30J
J |
(Wet Spot)
(Ruinemans) |
[unsicher; WC]
[CI2013] [()unsure sp.] |
09.4P. cf. nagyi “Cherating” (Malaysia, Pahang)
Godfather: |
Schoubye, Beu |
Report : |
Bussler Eek Dahms Schoubye |
2.3 1.1 1.1 4.5 |
5J |
(Hinz) |
09.5 P. nagyi “Paya Paman, Ibok Kemaman”
Godfather: |
Report : |
Sabarudin |
9.4 |
J |
WC |
10. Parosphromenus opallios
10.1P. opallios “Sukamara” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Staincq |
0.6 |
10.2P. opallios (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Little Love |
1.0 2.2.1 |
1J |
(Yap) |
11. Parosphromenus ornaticauda
11.1 P. ornaticauda “Anjungan” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Barat)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Lamboj |
11.2 P. ornaticauda (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Bussler, Hallmann (?) |
Report : |
Hanslin Bussler Hellweg Gantschnigg
Spergser Henke Finke Riem Menzel |
4.6 6.9 2.2 3.3.10
3.1 3.3 0.2 1.2 1.1 |
14J 12J
3J |
(tropicwater 3/2011)
(Schaeffer) (Bussler) |
[F1] |
12. Parosphromenus pahuensis
12.2P. pahuensis (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Kolb (?), Guhmann |
Report : |
Rick Bussler Guhmann |
5.2.1 |
6J 3J |
(Kolb&Pähler) (Hinze) |
[Trade 2008] |
13. Parosphromenus paludicola
13.1P. paludicola “Paka” (Malaysia, Terengganu)
Godfather: |
Bussler |
Report : |
Bussler Henke Finke |
1.1 3.3 0.0.2 |
48J 50J |
(self-caught) (Bussler) |
13.2 P. paludicola “Sungai Kolok” (Thailand, Narathiwat)
14. Parosphromenus parvulus
14.1P. parvulus “Palangkaraya” (Indonesia, Kalimantan Tengah)
14.2 P. parvulus (commercial import)
Godfather: |
Schoubye |
Report : |
Schoubye |
5.6 |
14.3 P. parvulus “ Tangkiling”
Godfather: |
Report : |
Lamboj |
1.1 |
15. Parosphromenus phoenicurus (Langgam)
Godfather: |
Fischer |
Report : |
Bussler Fischer Linke Schellein |
1.1 2.2 0.0.5 8.6.0 |
(Linke/Fischer) |
16. Parosphromenus quindecim
16.2P. quindecim (commercial trade)
Godfather: |
Lukiewski |
Report : |
Rick Bussler Lahrmann Dahms Lukiewski Henke Gahler Tegethoff Bosch Finke |
1.1 2.2 2.2 1.1 75.80 1.2 1.0 2.3 2.0 0.1 |
3-4J |
(Kolb&Pähler) (Kolb&Pähler)
(Kolb) (Kolb)
(Hallmann/Kolb) |
17. Parosphromenus rubrimontis
17.1P. rubrimontis “Bukit Merah” (Malaysia, Perak)
Godfather: |
Bussler, Rombach |
Report : |
Bussler Sabarudin Linke |
1.1 2.2 0.0.7 |
26J 2J |
(self-caught) WC WC |
17.2 P. rubrimontis “Mimbon 2008”
Godfather: |
Report : |
Rick Wilden Welsch |
1.1 1.0 1.2 |
(Kolb&Pähler) (Kolb&Pähler)
18. Parosphromenus sumatranus
18.2P. sumatranus (commercial trade)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Bussler Sabarudin Hellweg Bosch |
0.0.8 2.2 2.2 3.2 |
WC (Utaka´14) |
19. Parosphromenus tweediei
19.1P. tweediei “Pekan Nenas” (Malaysia, Johor)
Godfather: |
Beyer, Hallmann (?) |
Report : |
Beyer Dahms Henke Bosch Menzel Grenouillet |
3.5 0.0.10 2.2.7 0.0.5 2.3 1.1 |
(Hallmann) (Hallmann´13) (Bussler) (Bussler 2014) |
[F1] |
19.2P. tweediei “Sri Bunian” (Malaysia, Johor)
Godfather: |
Beyer |
Report : |
Beyer |
2.3 |
7J |
19.3 P. tweediei (commercial trade)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Hellweg Schoubye Gahler Juhl Riem Menzel |
4.4 3.3 1.0 2.2 2.2 1.1 |
(Schaeffer) (Finke)
19.4 P. tweediei „ Kota tingi“
Godfather: |
Report : |
Bussler |
1.1 |
29J |
(Hinze) |
19.5 Parosphromenus Tweediei “Kampong Sri Bunian, Pontian”
Godfather: |
Report : |
Sabarudin |
2.1 |
20. Parosphromenus gunawani (Danau Rasau)
20.1P. gunawani “Kuala Tungka” (Sumatra, Jambi)
Godfather: |
Report : |
Sabarudin Lamboj |
2.2 1.4 |
Wilhelm, Hübner, Vaut, Houston, Simpson, Jöllenbeck-Pfeffel, Chochla, Glauder, Schindler, Kenner, Castelfranco, Valdesalici, Köpp