

Spring Census 2017 – english

Spring Census 2017 Synopsis  (link)


Spring Census 2017 Parosphromenus- Project

Commentation of synopsis and godfathers

Kommentar der Synopse und Paten

commentation du synopsis et des parrains

Deutsch: Interpretation der Synopse (von Benjamin Wilden)

English: translated by Dorothee Jöllenbeck Francais: Herve Gonin

We thank everybody for taking part in the census.

In general

In this spring census 42 members took part. This is minimal less than in the last census and in proportion to our membership again a very low rate. After some diskussions and our survey results in the forum we decided that it is not the fault of missing reminders

Therefore we will further on ask twice – once at the beginning and once at the end of the census period – to take part in the census.

I would like to thank you for the reports with mainly very detailed informations about your stock. I thank you especially also for the 11 “negative reports”, and ask everybody else to show your interest in the next census, even without stock!

Further on some very popular species like P.linkei, P.quindecim and P. phoenicurus are very frequent and constant in our stock. On the other side the number of fish all in all is shrinking.

Some species, especially species with known locality have just been reported by a few owners.

P.gunawani has vanished from our stock, P. deissneri has been reported without locality. But we are hopeful, because one of our members could catch real P. deissneri on Bangka.


P. alfredi seems, compared to the last census, has lowered in numbers. The locality „Sibu“ has no more been reported.

P. allani can be declared as beeing nearly secured, there is no difference to the last census.

P. anjunganensis has been reported now more often. But it cannot be considered as secured.

P. bintan further on seems to be one of the most frequent species, and has been reported more often because of new imports. The form „Desa pudding Besar“ has not been reported this time, but the owners didn ́t participate in this census.

P. deissneri ́s situation is not cleared at the moment.

P. filamentosus has been more often reported than in the last census. Also the high numbers of offspring are steady. But the form „Ampah“ ist further on only present at one member.

P. gunawani is no more in stock.
P. harveyi has been reported in about the same number.

But the fish from trade have vanished.
P. linkei is further on very secured. There have been reported many fish and offspring.

P. nagyi has been reported definitely more seldom than last time. We have to monitor the development!

P. opallios has not changed very much and is further on reported by two members ! P. ornaticauda is shrinking more and more, there have been just reported 3 fish! P. pahuensis has been reported a bit fewer than in autumn.

P. paludicola has again just been reported by one member!
P. parvulus
has developed very positively and has been reported by several owners.

Further on there has been added a locality „Bukit Batu“.

P. phoenicurus is nearly constant concerning the owners, but the number of fish is shrinking.

P. quindecim is reported by significant fewer owners and with a smaller number of fish. But we can consider this species anyway as secured.

P. rubrimontis is again shrinking, inspite of many reports last time.

P. sumatranus has reported by just one owner, but some offspring give hope. The form „Riau“ no longer has been reported.

P. tweediei again has reported more often. The forms of „Parenggean“ and “Ayaer Hitam” are lost. Also the other localitys are on a very low level.