

Rules forum

1. Such a forum for discussion is   open in principle. Everyone is allowed – within the frame of the thematic area of the Parosphromenuc Project – to address any topic that could be of interest here. For this purpose, new threads can be opened.

2. We are interested in creating an informative forum, which is of great interest for many readers. It has not been established for pure ”chatting”.

3. If absolutely annoying or misleading postings should occur, the administrators will remove them as soon as they become aware of this.

4. We have chosen not to establish a particular structure of topics in the beginning to avoid chaos Everyone can be free in her/his postings. But we reserve the right to introduce such a structure later, if it appears to be reasonable and possible.

5. Please try to link a new post or question to an already existing thread, if possible. It is in everybodys’ hands to avoid chaos.

6. But this might not always be possible. In this case open a new thread.