

Newsletter 122 en


Parosphromenus Project






Copenhagen March 15th 2016 Newsletter nr. 122

Dear Members of the Parosphromenus Project.

Spring is arriving, and it is time for us to send out the first Newsletter in 2016.


Welcome to a new member of the Steering Group


First of all we would like to extend a very warm welcome to Rafael Eggli as a new member of the Steering Group. Rafael lives in Switzerland and in his A grade paper (final exam paper in the last year at school) he has been writing on the subject of the Parosphromenus Project, – an analysis of its structure and prospect for the future.

Rafael introduces his work in forum here ( . It is a very big and impressive work, and we congratulate him with it.

Rafael has inform us, that he right now, is working on an article about the P-P, which will be published in the german magasine DATZ in march or april. We look forward to this, and to working together with Rafael in the years to come.

The new book about the Parosphromenus Project

Peter Finke is working on the general structure of a new international book in English language on the Parosphromenus-Project, as he suggested to edit together with Helene Schoubye in two or three years time from now. The main difficulty is to structurally arrange the material, including many photos and to name many good authors according to their specialities for writing short chapters or boxes, so that the international structure and authorship is clearly visible. We shall inform you as soon as possible on further details.

Regarding the new PayPal donation button.

At the Hamburg meeting we reported about our worsening financial situation. So, at the end of the meeting two guests gave spontaneously 100.00 Euros each and one 20.00 Euros to P. Finke, who started in the weeks to come a Paypal-account for giving donations to our project. In the first days already one further donation about 100.00 Euros and some smaller donations about 40.00 Euros came in. There is no immediate financial gap any longer, but we would be happy if more people to the opportunity to donate in order to secure our project for the next years. There will be more money needed for provider and new software, and especially looking forward to the book mentioned.

If you wish to donate, – the link is at the homepage

Next International Meeting

The Hamburg meeting was a great success as all attendants agreed. There was an unanimous question for a next meeting. After some internal discussion we think the second meeting should occur in 2017 in the United Kingdom, Britain. What we need urgently are two or three people who should like to organize it: exact date (September?), place (London?), accommodation (cheap but good hotel?), informations (airports, national traffic, private help?) for foreign members. We should prefer a place which is easy to find, perhaps in London, so long travelling after having arrived is unnecessary. The steering group will assist of course and try to fix a nice program with good names. We would be happy if you could take part in realizing this aim!

Travels and reports from Malaysia.


Recently we have been very fortunate to receive some reports in forum, form people who has travelled in the region, as well as from people who live there.

It is very valuable information, which we receive through these reports, and we would like to thank in particular Lawrence Kent for showing some remarkable photos of Sarawak habitat from a trip in dec. 2015 together with Peter Ng. and Michael Lo. These photos show the sad destruction of the habitats of our parosphromenus species, but they are extremely important documentation. (link to the thread : )

We would also like to mention a recent thread, with the uplifting information of the keeping of p. allani by our member Zahar in Malaysia. ( ). Thank you for sharing this with us, Zahar.

With this we will end this, our first Newsletter in 2016.

With the very best wishes, on behalf of the Steering Group, Helene Schoubye

Peter Finke, Rafael Eggli, Bernd Bussler, Stephan Menzel, Pavel Chaloupka.