Parosphromenus-Newsletter No.89 Bielefeld (Germany), June 1st 2011
1. State of the art in
Dear friends, progress of the Parosphromenus-Project in these months is best measured by the
progress of our website Since it is to become the largest
and potentially most complete internet presentation of licorice gouramis at all, we still have
much work to do; Helene Schoubye and a few other people in several countries are very busy
with it. The German-language version is still by no means finished, but it is now estimated to
be 80% completed. The very important English-language version, which opens especially the
contacts with parts of Europe, Asia and America is now translated to about 65-70%. The
French-language version has hardly reached the 10% yet; but even there it goes ahead.
2. A request to all: please log-in, that helps us a lot!
The vast proportion of the addresses to whom this newsletter is sent (“members of the
Parosphromenus project”) are old addresses that have been collected over the past 5 ½ years.
Some new have been added since the beginning of 2011, most of them have logged-in already
on our website mentioned above. But only a few of our old members have done this. We
kindly ask you to do that! Why?
We look for methods making the distribution of our newsletter and the calls for the semiannual
census (our two services: newsletter and census) more efficient in future, by doing this
from the new home page. The more people have logged-in there at least once, the more
efficient is that to be done. As long as this is not the case, we must use our separate mailing
list (as we do here sending this newsletter). Of course, this is possible, but as we now have
that web site, the whole procedure could take place by far less cumbersome. Since everything
is done voluntarily, it would be a great help for us.
Therefore we ask you to open once the next days, and login
at the start page. Then we can use the distribution-list of the program directly and we are
making a big step! Thank you.
3. To simplify census procedures and to take godfather-obligations seriously
Discussing the results of our last census in our last newsletter, No. 88, Christian Hinz’
remarks allow for two conclusions:
1. Questionnaire too awkward: We did not change our survey system for many years, but it
should and could be significantly improved, namely simplified. if the acquisition is better, so
far it is between a fifth to a maximum of one third of the members . Many people have told us
that our questionnaire is so confusing and difficult that they either do not participate at all or
tell us their stocks in a simple mail. At their meeting in Hanover (see below) the steering
group dealt with the matter and decided to make things simpler as soon as possible. But for
this the previous point is important, too. So please log-in as a member! Then we can go on!
2. Godfather-role too short-lived: We determine on the basis of the stock situation who should
be godfather for a certain species or variety. In most cases this is not difficult at all and very
objective and accountable for each decision. I someone keeps a species as the only or maybe
together with a second person, then it is objectively clear that he should be responsible for the
sustainment of it. We only figure that out. I there is a more broader distribution, we try to
select those people who should play the roles as godfathers by considering the different
stocks. Anyone can oppose this, but it’s never happened so long.
What we want to say now: These godfatherships change too rapidly. It is likely that some take
the associated commitment not seriously enough. And they might have good personal reasons
for this. Therefore we suggest: If you cannot bear it, please tell us. Then perhaps we can act
and find another godfather in time.
4. Second meeting of the Steering Group on 7th May 2011 in Hanover / D (Summary)
Participants (alphabetical order): Bernd Bussler (BB, Hamburg), Peter Finke (PF, Bielefeld),
Martin Fischer (MF, Würzburg), Christian Hinz (CH, Berlin), Uwe Kuester (UK, Sehnde),
Helene Schoubye (HS, Herlev near Copenhagen), Benjamin Wilden (BW, Detmold)
Main results (Keywords):
– The newsletter should be sent out once a month if possible. Peter Finke will continue to do
so but is looking for a person who might replace him later on.
– A significant simplification for the participants in the census must have top priority (see
above). The following solution is probably the best. No questionnaire but an information sheet
with some simple rules that explain what is important to us (in particular the distinction
species stemming from known locality vs. species without = trade, breeding pairs, single
animals, approximate number of juveniles, offers/wants, free additional comments.
– Two fixed census months March and September, during which time a window is to expand
on the home page with link: Attention current census, participate here. In the other months
the entry way is closed. By this we achieve deadlines and ensure that we deal with
comparable data.
– CH and BB report on experiences and results of their recent trip to West Malaysia. Only
tweediei was not found.
– The first international Parosphromenus-meeting Paro is planned for 2013 in Hamburg (D),
organization BB.
– PF explaines the new international resp. intercontinental forum on the P-P site, which is now
open for use, and especially welcomes as moderators Mr. Jit Sin at the Asian and Mr. Tony
Pinto at the American section.
– We refund Helene Schoubye the running costs for 2011 of EUR 182, – €.
– The P-P is a collaborative network project. Everybody is asked to find other partners
(associations, groups, associations, institutions) for supporting our project ideally, by links, by
communication or practically by keeping and breeding licorice gouramis.
– BB distributes round stickers with the logo of the PP manufactured by his own expense;
general thanks.
– MF reportes on the status of his exam project to the Wikipedia encyclopedia
Parosphromenus keyword.
So much for this time.
Best wishes to all, your Steering Group (c/o Peter Finke)