Parosphromenus-Newsletter No. 97 Bielefeld, April 1st, 2012
Dear friends of the licorice gouramis, here is our newsletter no. 97.
It begins by pointing out the most important thing: the new census has just started. But also some other interesting information is included, eg the fact that new friends have signed in from new countries in recent times.
1. Very important: Our new census! Today, April 1st, it starts again counting our aquarium stocks, so we all get an overview of the state of the art. It runs through April, but at April 31st it will be defintely concluded. Later incoming mail cannot be considered. The following is essential: –
Everyone should join in, even if he does not hold any Paros (write “none”). Only in this way we will obtain a realistic picture;
– The simple rules are explained on our website under the ‘Census’ button. Look there! –
– There is no form, just send a simple email
– Importantis an accurate identification of your species, specifying the number of adult breeding pairs, and additional single males and females, and the approximate number of existing young offspring;
– For all fish that come from the trade, please add “trade”. For any other state, going back to animals with a clear locality, give this. So we are sure to keep apart the different populations;
– Any special features (different colours, unusual behavior, etc.) or special requests (exchange, contact, etc.) can be noted;
– A big problem of our evaluation is always “deissneri”. Male deissneri are very easily recognizable (see species chapter on the homepage), but almost never fish traded as “deissneri” really belong to this species. If it is not clear that you have real deissneri, please use either the correct name (e.g. “spec. Sentang”), or at least add a remark of doubt to the identification of species;
– people who hold Paros, which have not yet been described scientifically (and therefore no scientific names of species is available, but a provisional designation only; often this is a name of a locality), must specify this. If possible, add the name of the person whom you received the animals from, or even (if you know it) the year of the catch of the first generation); but mind: less information is better than no information!
– Do not wait until the end of the month, because then all will accumulate. Christian Hinz (Berlin), who will perform the evaluation again has much work to do. Please bring this matter to an end soon! Right away is best. For most stocks it’s a simple matter.
2. Travels / expeditions: Quite a few members of our Project Parosphromenus have executed travels and expeditions to Southeast Asia during the last months, others will follow soon. Completed are inter alia travels by David Armitage (York), Bernd Bussler (Hamburg) and Christian Hinz (Berlin), Horst Linke (Schwarzenberg a.W.), Olivier Perrin (Paris) and Dr. Lutz Rüber (Bern). New trips will follow in 2012, inter alia by Bussler/Hinz, Linke and Rüber.
3. Larger stocks and breeding success: Not all members of the Project breed Paros at their own, but many do it with good success. Larger stocks with several / many species have become known recently, including by Bussler (D), Buisson (F), Hallmann (D), Hinz (rebuilding the stock, D), Kolb (D), Schoubye (DK). Another stock rebuild is imminent by Küster (D). Celebrating their first successful breeding were e.g. Buisson (F), Chyla (PL),
Schellein (I). Congratulations!
A basic monitum maybe allowed: The quest for breeding should be obvious to all friends in this Project. We understand that this is not always possible or easy. But, who only wants to st up a decorative aquarium in the living room containing fish as decorative ornaments, should not necessarily choose fish that are threatened with extinction.
And another important note: please tell us of older offspring, which are soon able to be given away,by mail to in order to ensure our coordinator that his species and breeders register can be updated.
4. Success by publications: Almost at the same time in March and April 2012 the two most important German aquarium magazines (“Amazon” and “DATZ”) appeared with articles of Peter Finke on the Parosphromenus-project. In the “Amazonas” there was a theme thread on “Prachtguramis” accompanying that article with further articles by Hallmann (systematics, ecology and behaviour), Linke (original habitats) and Kopic (breeding). In the” DATZ” the prevailing theme thread was “conservation efforts gathering four articles on the subject. The publications were followed by many new applications for membership in the project. In the article in the “DATZ” it has been particularly noted that the “Parosphromenus-Project” is not only a project in aquaristics (this is its core), but it also works with partners from other sectors: with nature and rainforest conservationists in Southeast Asia, with institutions for the protection of indigene people and their human rights over there, and with scientific institutions that look for “new best practices” and outstanding examples of “citizen science”
— > We are looking for similar publications in other countries and languages, or appropriate references to media interested in our work. We would be grateful for any information to
5. The P-P now in 25 countries around the world: Our project presently has members in 25 countries around the world. Across the three continents it looks like this: America (2 countries: Canada, United States), Asia (5 countries: China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand), Europe (18 countries, still missing are Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine and the Baltic States). We are not yet represented in Africa and Australia, and in the Middle East and Central Asia and Central and South America. Of these, only Australia is probably a little realistic.
In recent times persons from several countries have become members where we had hardly expected that: America: Canada, Asia: China, Europe: Belarus. A very warm welcome!
The adjusted total number of members of the Project is now on April 1st 2012: 346 addresses (individuals and institutions taken together).
Until the next newsletter your steering group wishes you all the best. Think of the Census!