


There may be dif­fer­ent rea­sons for you to get into con­tact with us

If you like to par­tic­i­pate in our con­ser­va­tion efforts we would be par­tic­u­larly happy about it. Hav­ing just one or two small tanks and being able to pro­vide the nec­es­sary infra­struc­ture for Parosphromenus (water! food!) is enough rea­son to get involved in the project and to sup­port our con­ser­va­tion net­work. For this we need every woman, man, stu­dent, young and old per­son, because today we know there are many species and local vari­ants that we want to pre­serve. Get into con­tact with us. Even if you have only lit­tle or no expe­ri­ence with licorice gouramis, you are warmly welcome!

If you have some ques­tions, you are wel­come. Please inquire at and we will be happy to respond!

We are unfor­tu­nately not able to dis­trib­ute paros, — or refer to peo­ple who breed and have off­spring, at this par­tic­u­lar moment (sept 2020).

For this we must refer you to using our face­book­group as a source for infor­ma­tion, you are always wel­come to ask in the group about where to find paros.

Another source of infor­ma­tion is our lat­est Cen­sus report, — this will also show pos­si­ble con­tacts who has offspring.

Use­ful emails in the project:

Admin­is­tra­tion of mem­bers, emailadresses, infor­ma­tion on loca­tion etc:

Ques­tions, gen­eral con­tacts

For ques­tions regard­ing the home­page, sug­ges­tions, prob­lems with login etc or

When par­tic­i­pat­ing in the half yearly Cen­sus please use