

New year 2022 and welcome to Malmø Museum

We wish you all a very happy New Year, ???

At the same time we would like to welcome Malmø Museum Akvarium as a new partner.

On dec.1.2022 – 6 breeding pairs of P. deissneri travelled from Copenhagen to Malmø, where they will be part of a breeding project. Below you see some photos of the beginning proces of setting this breeding station up, – its looking good and promising.

Also some P. linkei is now in Malmø, to be part of an exhibition tank, where the plan is also to introduce the visitors of the museum to the critical situation of the natural biotopes of parosphromenus, the peat swamps etc. We are looking forward to following this project as well along the way, as it develops.

Thanks to the dedicated team at Malmø for engaging in this work – its exting to see

Photo Jonas Björklund
Photo Jonas Björklund
Photo Jonas Björklund
Photo Jonas Björklund
Photo Jonas Björklund