

The Core Con­ser­va­tion Pro­gramme (CCP)

The Core Con­ser­va­tion Pro­gramme was ini­ti­ated in the begin­ning of 2021.

With the CCP it is our aim to mon­i­tor, and keep the pop­u­la­tion of each species sta­ble, by activi­at­ing a sys­tem within our mem­bers, and breeders.

The CCP has 3 cat­e­gories of sta­tus of risk, — High risk, mid­dle risk, and low risk. These cat­e­gories are made based on fac­tors such as state of habi­tat, ex-​situ stock global and in Europe, occur­ance (reports) in cen­sus, avail­abil­ity in trade, and gen­eral popularity/​diffiiculty.

The Core Con­ser­va­tion Pro­gramme: To estab­lish sta­ble pop­u­la­tions of each species by mak­ing per­sonal con­nec­tions to key breed­ers, attempt­ing to have a min­i­mum of 2 – 3 sta­ble breed­ers of each species.

The Parosphromenus Project will give spe­cial sup­port to breed­ers in the CCP, as well as help with exchange of fish, off­spring issues etc.

The CCP is not a replace­ment of the gen­eral Cen­sus, — Cen­sus con­tin­ues as always..

Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the CCP pro­gram is always pos­si­ble, but please con­sider this:

  1. Your wish to par­tic­i­pate should be for a longer period, and it is good if you already have expe­ri­ence with this kind of long-​term keep­ing of Parosphromenus.
  2. All species that you want to intro­duce to this pro­gram will have to be iden­ti­fied cor­rectly and prefer­ably have a known location.

The prob­lem­atic area of P. gunawani and P. bin­tan

The PP. has decided to try to estab­lish ‘true’ lines of P. bin­tan and P. gunawani, when this is pos­si­ble. P. bin­tan has been obtained with local­ity, but for now con­sist­ing only of a few pairs. This does not mean that we do not see the impor­tance of the very large group of often com­mer­cially traded Parosphromenus, which are labeled either as P. gunawani or P. bin­tan or P. sp. bin­tan or some­thing within this group. All of these are of course equally impor­tant and valu­able, but we are not attempt­ing at the moment to include these in the con­ser­va­tion program.

The group is sim­ply too big, and com­pli­cated to iden­tify safely . We will keep focus on this group in a gen­eral and dif­fer­ent way, always seek­ing to become more knowl­edge­able about the specifics of these variations.

Update on P. gunawani and P. bintan 2024

Parosphromenus bintan ‘Bintan’  was successfully bred and in 2023 distributed to Citizen Conservation in Germany, and from here to CC-partner Zoo Nürnberg. P. bintan is also kept in private by keepers in relative large numbers.

Parosphromenus gunawani was successfully imported from original locality in 2023 and is currently in breeding program with private breeder in Germany. Offspring has been reported in 24 and the hope for further distribution and securing of the species is big.