So many questions : breeding, fry, food, water, – and habitat information etc…
The Parosphromenus Project is helping Chester Zoo create Husbandry Guidelines for BIAZA (British and Irish Assosiation of Zoos and Aquariums) and EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria)
In order for different Zoos in Europe to be able to maintain and keep populations of Paros, it is essential that guidelines for best Husbandry Practise is created.
This is not just describtions of experiences, or guidelines, this is at best a collection of precise data and information, gathered over a period.
As a beginning, – a lot of written material has been given on from the Parosphromenus Project, – describtions of our known experience, as well as data connected with habitats – water conditions, levels of ph, and other things. Not habitat data in terms of distribution is nessesary.
But mainly we have provided basic experience and knowledge about keeping paros in tanks, – food, breeding behaviour, fry development etc.
To gather all this information is a continuing proces, and we invite everyone to take part in it by offering their knowledge and specific experience.
Captive management
- Enclosure
- substrate
- furnishing and maintenance
- environment (water quality and water chemistry)
- environmental enrichment
- lighting
- life support
- activity
- social behaviour/social structure
- life support systems
- reproduction
- egg laying and development times
- development and care of young
- clutch sizes
Diet and feeding behaviour
- Basic diet
- fry
- large juveniles to adults
- special dietary requirements
- method of feeding or preparation of food items