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This is for all postings which are of interest globally (i.e. not for European or Asian or American users exclusively): identification problems, questions or information on special species, breeding and care, techniques, intercontinental trade and environmental problems, for example. Therefore this is the main and most important category; it is meant to organize the global networking of our Parosphromenus-Project. So, think of whom you want to address!
- 483
- 4,521
- 2 years, 8 months ago
Nevertheless there are postings which are predominantly of regional interest in and from the home countries of Parosphromenus and other Asian countries, communication among the friends of these fish who live there, but also a means for contacting other people from outside and informing or questioning about excursions, habitats, traffic, fish caught, the environmental situation and actual developments or offers, for example. We all try to read it!
- 51
- 275
- 11 years, 6 months ago
Here is the place for all postings which are mainly of interest to friends of Parosphromenus in the European countries, whether related to one country only or of international interest to friends in neighbouring countries, too: news on fish in trade, on import-announcements, meetings, regional groups, but also on problems or successes within a European range of interest, for example. We could specialize it for special countries if necessary.
- 102
- 903
- 3 years, 10 months ago
This category is meant as a place for communication within mainly the United States and Canada (and possibly other parts of the continent) by providing a means for the friends of Parosphromenus to contact and inform each other and to take part of the international activities of the project. It is also meant as an information-window to Europe and Asia, to be used from both sides to and fro.
- 67
- 422
- 5 years, 4 months ago