

partners and friends

We can only work together, not alone or even against each other.

Coop­er­a­tion is cru­cial for a project like the Parosphromenus project.

It is not pos­si­ble to run a project like this suc­cess­fully within the frame of just one sin­gle organ­i­sa­tion. From the begin­ning we have approached each expert and every seri­ously inter­ested per­son, no mat­ter to which organ­i­sa­tion she/​he belongs. A one-​sided tie to a cer­tain organ­i­sa­tion hin­ders a fact-​oriented inter­na­tional project.

Only as part of the net­work we can have suc­cess. Any form of con­ser­va­tion has no chance if it is just an ini­tia­tive of a sin­gle group or organ­i­sa­tion.

Below we list our Partners and friends, a growing list which also includes many many individuals around the world. We are grateful for all contacts, support and cooperation.