

Advice for beginners

Some well-intentioned advice for beginners in the licorice gourami hobby

Photo H.Schoubye

Of course everybody has the right to develope their own principles and thereby making their own mistakes. But those who wish to avoid these mistakes may be thankful for some well-intentioned advice:

Do not make conclusions about species after a first impression or from bad pictures or the trader.

All species, kept properly, are beautiful. Despite some differences licorice gouramis are not very different in their care requirements.

You should not set your sights only on one certain species but begin with any species that you can get in good condition.

However: the robust species (like P.filamentosus, P.linkei, P.paludicola or P.quindecim) are more suitable for beginners than species (like P.ornaticauda or P.parvulus) that sometimes (but not always) provide experts with difficulty.

You should never believe that it’s possible to keep them with normal tap water and only occasional live feed. It will not go well for long. The question is only whether you notice the deterioration of their condition or not.

The Parosphromenus hobby is not effortless. Whoever wants success and thinks that it will maybe easier than described is living dangerously. A beginner should stick by one method that appears to work well.

Photo H.Schoubye


Also even if adults develop a certain adaptability to deteriorating environmental conditions, young fishes and particularly the eggs do not. The sometimes extremely demanding water conditions may not be a necessity for the adults but for the tender egg cases these conditions are essential. That must be clear.

It is not a good idea only to want to possess licorice gouramis. We are dealing with rare, precious, endangered fishes
which have also a coourtship and brood care behavior that is well worth seeing. Mere keeping, possibly in a community aquarium is ultimately mere consumption. Breeding is absolutely necessary !

Every licorice gourami enthusiast should strive to breed them. Through our network you find determined thankful buyers knowing what such a small fish is truly worth.
