


Is the keeping and breeding of Parosphromenus “difficult”?

The reputation of Parosphromenus is of being “difficult” as an aquarium fish. This is only partially correct. If you want to feed fish generally with commercial flake food and keep them in regular tap water, you will find them difficult. But for those who recognize that in small aquariums, all they need is live food and simple methods to prepare suitable water, that ruling will not be true.


Another often-named reason to avoid these fish, is the fact that they are hard to come by. This is because pet shops are based on the mass market and cannot provide the water and the food the fish need. Only rarely do some Parosphromenus find their way into its sales pool, where they look stressed, pale and unhealthy. Therefore, the network of Paros friends is important. Through this, you can receive almost all species and forms and in good quality.


Something special is often demonized. True, other fish are often much larger, easily to get and to keep. And we have become adapted to use the big, bright, fully planted aquarium, so that small, darker and less species rich planted aquariums are considered difficult to maintain. The opposite is true, proved by the new fashion of the so-called nano-aquarium. For Parosphromenus we do not even need all the technology that is offered for this.


The small Parosphromenus are exceptionally beautiful, colourful, peaceful, and no more delicate than some other fashionable fish. They are ideal residents of small aquariums. They connect us with the environmental problems of the earth and allow us to develop an aquarium hobby that is less superficial and market-dependent. Network members of the Parosphromenus project, get access to a new world of the hobby, which can be more satisfying, more communicative and more sustainable. Together they reduce the objective difficulties and laugh at the subjective, which in the face of beauty and threat of this special fishes are negligible.


One more thing: From beekeepers on hobbyists all have alternative methods of operation. Everyone must choose the best for him. The same applies to the keeping and breeding of Parosphromenus. Apart from the basic requirements , quite different modes of operation will be found. Again, as with the beekeeper: Find out what suits your situation (water and food procurement, aquarium size, installation, maintenance cycle, extensive or intensive breeding, plant-rich or poor planted basins, etc.) and then do it this way!