

Information for advanced aquarists

For some­one with a good knowl­edge of parosphromenus species there are excit­ing things you can do.

There are dif­fer­ent meth­ods of oper­a­tion of effec­tive Parosphromenus aquar­ium main­te­nance. If you have found one suc­cess­ful method you may how­ever find it appeal­ing to try another . If it fails at least you know the safe method works !.

Most species of the harveyi-​group make it nec­es­sary to observe all details exactly. There are robust species, (like P.filamentosus or P.paludicola), suit­able for begin­ners, that for­give some slop­pi­ness (although not in the egg or lar­val stage); but species of the harveyi-​group do not.

–But the two slim species, Por­nat­i­cauda and P.parvulus place par­tic­u­larly high demands on care and expertise.

Breed­ing these two species is the “high school” of the licorice gourami hobby. Fre­quently it even leaves expe­ri­enced author­i­ties with unsolved mys­ter­ies. Often the spawns are small (10 –20 eggs), and dis­ap­pear overnight. How­ever it must be added that some­times you can find pairs that are good spawn­ers and carers.

Whereas begin­ners should rely on the exten­sive breed­ing expe­ri­ences where only a few off­spring grow up, inten­sive breed­ing meth­ods for expe­ri­enced aquar­ists could be worth­while exercises.

–Asso­ci­at­ing Paros with other small and calm fishes, as well as shrimps, could be a charm­ing exer­cise for advanced licorice gourami enthu­si­asts. Some­one who brings appro­pri­ate knowl­edge can put a charm­ing and bio­log­i­cally mean­ing­ful dis­play together..

–The care of a larger aquar­ium with licorice gouramis with a cor­re­spond­ing accom­pa­ny­ing fauna could be an espe­cially attrac­tive chal­lenge for advanced aquar­ists who have pro­duced enough young fishes
