


The friends of the licorice guramis form a world wide network

You can’t talk about Parophromenus-aquariums without talking about the friends that operate them. Since its establishmen, the Parosphromenus Project endeavors, to gather them into a large network. This network of Paraphromenus friends extends today (2011) to 16 countries in three continents (Europe, Asia and America).


Communication  about these rare fish, which are endangered and worthy of preservation, is necessary. This is not always possible in small regions, but where such small neighbouring cells of   Parophromenus friends are formed, it is especially useful and rewarding. Think for example what happens if one of a pair fails and you need a replacement. Or you are need a supply of Moina or Grindal for someone who is taking care of your young fishes. Try therefore to find more Parophromenus friends located in your area, or to inspire other Aquarium friends with special interest for Paraphromenus. We will strive to help with references and information.


The normal case will be, that you will feel a bit  isolated, surrounded by dry food and tap water aquarists. Then communication is even more important, and for this we offer our forum. The more aquarists that have this opportunity to exchange ideas with like-minded people, with no language restriction and to learn from their experiences, the more will be interested to join our network. This is because they see that it now provides help for people who would like to get involved in conservation work for these beautiful fish, but on their own may not know where they get the fish, or whom to ask  about problems and how might replacement is received if necessary. Parophromenus can be easierer shipped than many other fish, using a fast parcel service during  not too cold and not too hot weather, as they are quiet and normaly live in a small space. They also have a labyrinth organ, which can be used in the case of  emergency.


We are particularly interested in expanding the network of friends in the  countries that hold the habitats of our fish. Of course, the aquarium hobby there is not as widespread as in industrialized countries, especially in Europe or the USA. But in Malaysia and Indonesia, more and more people feel the great destruction of their natural environment. They recognise not only the promise of a better future, prosperity and living comfort, but the loss of the rich biological diversity of their homeland. Within the Parosphromenus Project we not only try to obtain, beautiful little aquarium fishes, but to gain influence over this development, which is not destiny, but pure power politics. This helps us all to recognize  what most people never notice, because it is for them too small, of too littlesubstantive value or just not visible because it lives hidden below the water surface. Therefore we are especially welcome all people who witness and experience the great destruction on the spot. They help us to convert a pure aquarium network into a global network of those concerned.


The Parosphromenus Project therefore seeks to expand the network of friends of Parosphromenus further and to establish it tightly.

