Kottelat 1991
First description: Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of some Western Indonesian freshwater fishes, with diagnoses of a new genus and six new species (Pisces: Cyprinidae, Belontiidae, and Chaudhuriidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 2 (1991): 273-287
Characteristics: Overall length max. 3.5 cm. Dorsal structure: XII-XIII, 6-7, total 18-20, Anal: XI-XIV, 9-11, total 21-23. ♂ in nuptial plumage with plain brown-red colored unpaired fins, thin white-blue lined; pelvic fins have similar coloring with whitish to blue medium-length filaments. ♀ differentiation from other species with a round tail fin difficult, usually somewhat more extended shape. Courtship coloring of ♀ pale-beige. The male primary pattern is very consistent, however, for forms with a blue area in the anal fin (see photo G. Kopic), it is unclear, whether they are attributable to this species or not.
Similar species: risk of confusion is low, because of the unusual anal fin coloration of the males, confusion of the female with some other round-finned species is possible.
Occurrence / Distribution: Kalimantan Barat, Anjungan area, catchment area of the Kapuas River system, for example in the black water area of the Kepayang. The close proximity to the occurence of P. ornaticauda is striking. In some cases both species even live syntopically, but colonize different ecological niches.
Threat: High. In the area where this species occurs, wetlands, especially former moist forests, have been drained and cleared. Many remaining waters have been affected by human activities.
Discovery/First import:
Trade: The species appears occasionally in pet shops and because it is easilyrecognised, it is less threatened by confusion than others. It is not rare in trade; the explanation for this lies partly in the proximity of the most sought-after species P. ornaticauda.
Care / Breeding: type locality with black water of pH 3.5 to 5.4. In 1990 H. Linke detected a conductivity of 22 micro Siemens / L and a relatively high temperature of 28.3 degrees C. Nests appeared to be built mainly in cave-like structures of the old leaves, lying in the water. Can be kept and bred well under standard Parosphromenus conditions. Medium-sized clutches (up to 60 eggs).
Behaviour / Particularities: usually not complicated. Head-down-courtship. Different, mostly less dictinct foam nest. Used to tolerating accompanying fish such as P. R. pauciperforata osphromenoides from their native habitat, but these will prevent fry being raised in the same aquarium.
Weblinks: http://www.kolumbus.fi/vuorela.antti/anjunganenglish.htm