


There may be different reasons for you to get into contact with us

If you like to participate in our conservation efforts we would be particularly happy about it. Having just one or two small tanks and being able to provide the necessary infrastructure for Parosphromenus (water! food!) is enough reason to get involved in the project and to support our conservation network. For this we need every woman, man, student, young and old person, because today we know there are many species and local variants that we want to preserve. Get into contact with us. Even if you have only little or no experience with licorice gouramis, you are warmly welcome!

If you have some questions, you are welcome. Please inquire at and we will be happy to respond!

We are unfortunately not able to distribute paros, – or refer to people who breed and have offspring, at this particular moment (sept 2020).

For this we must refer you to using our facebookgroup as a source for information, you are always welcome to ask in the group about where to find paros.

Another source of information is our latest Census report, – this will also show possible contacts who has offspring.