


What the Parosphromenus project is all about


The project pursues four aims:


1. To increase our knowledge of the genus Parosphromenus.

2. To share this knowledge and  strengthening of the awareness of their plight

3. To promote control of the biotope preservation and nature conservation in their homelands

4. The preservation and enlargement of the available aquarium populations


The first point is above all a scientific task, however, our aquarium friends during the past years have also contributed considerably to the improvement of our knowledge.


The second point is important because one is only willing to protect what one knows. Unfortunately, still many aquarists are not aware of the dangers in the homelands of some of the fish maintained in aquariums.


Of all points, the third one is certainly the most important but at the same time the most difficult to have an impact on. In this field, and in cooperation with others who are dedicated to the protection of the Southeast Asian rain forests and there fauna and flora, a lot has to be done.


On the other hand the fourth point is the most obvious to aquarists, particularly when they have an interest to give more meaning to their hobby, exceeding mere entertainment or decoration. Therefore, this is a main focus of the present and future work of the project.