



The job has become more efficient and more professional


The complete reorganisation occurred in 2010 and brought to an end the early days situation of being a one-man’s project in favour of today’s well-planned and structured team with split liabilities. Though the project still works absolutely self-organised, it today runs a complex administrative structure. A very important change concerned the communications: The former sole use of German language was expanded to three languages: English, French and German. This finally opens the international dimension. Systematic relations with important international institutions are being developed continuously.


A newly developed website of 2011 serves as a common place of information and communication. The Domain for this web site is: The Parosphromenus-Project continuously works on a voluntary and independent basis. Nobody receives any reimbursement for his work on the project. The homepage is financed by donations of the members, yet without any advertisement. Though we are happy to work closely within our home club and other appropriate clubs , the project is absolutely independent of them and in particular of the aquarium industry. We are self-organised and liable to account to nobody except our convictions. We are a voluntary, far reaching network, not an association. Who ever would like to support the community and take part will be most welcome. There are no obligations, no formal membership or fees and if whoever wants to leave the project, can do so at any time.


Today the project, after it re-organisation, consists of the management, the steering group, the advisory board , and most of all the members. Moreover, the project runs in co-operation with different institutions, associations, museums and research institutes. Everybody who commits to the basics of the project can become member by informal communication and take part, be it idealistically, materially or actively in conservation.

The communication almost exclusively is done over the internet and by email. The new homepage liaises the project and its members as the platform for information and exchange. The website at the same time is the window to the public and a thorough instrument to address potentially interested people around the globe.


The up to now successful instruments – census, newsletter and forum – are continued on yet a much more attractive background. The forum with its free choice of language encourages participation independently from foreign language skills. However it is preferred that the language of choice in the first instant should be English.


Update februar 2019 (HS)

In 2018 the Parosphromenus Project decided to also use the facebook platform, and now has a page as well as a group on facebook.