



Text and images shown here belong to their authors

This web­site is the first one that addresses the pub­lic with the con­cern of the Parosphromenus–Project in a com­pre­hen­sive way. There­fore, we do our best to pro­tect text and images you find here from uncon­trolled and unau­tho­rised use in other contexts.

The inter­net has added a new dimen­sion to the ques­tion of intel­lec­tual prop­erty. In the inter­net it is usu­ally very easy to down­load or copy other peo­ples’ text and images. The author­ship is often not clearly stated and thus a text or pic­ture seems to be the prop­erty of every­one. This is not the case. They remain prop­erty of their authors. We there­fore keep high stan­dards for the pub­li­ca­tion of texts and images and try, even in the age of the inter­net, to pro­tect intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights. Valu­able infor­ma­tion will be rightly asso­ci­ated with those who have pro­vided or for­mu­lated them. Every­one who has tried, for exam­ple, to pho­to­graph licorice gouramis, knows how dif­fi­cult and time-​consuming it is to get good pic­tures. We have only obtained the com­mit­ment of lead­ing experts – all mem­bers in our net­work – to use their pic­tures or texts, because we have taken pro­tec­tive mea­sures to pre­vent unau­tho­rised copying.

Our first con­se­quence is to name the author/​owner explicitely for all texts and pic­tures, where this is pos­si­ble.

This con­text should be con­sid­ered by any user of this site. In par­tic­u­lar cases, when there is a rea­son­able con­cern and only after con­sul­ta­tion of the respec­tive right hold­ers, we might give per­mis­sion for use in another con­text – but only upon indi­vid­ual request. For your inquiry please indi­cate text/​image and name of the author clearly. Ille­gal unau­tho­rised use is pro­hib­ited and will be prosecuted.

© Parosphromenus-​Project 2011