

Gallery of P. allani

P. allani Sibu, Part 2 of the report from the recent expe­di­tion by Yuhan Ji and

Leo Dai (S.J.D. [N. J. B.]) to West Malaysia and Sarawak.

The habi­tat of allani in Sibu area is typ­i­cal black water small river and swamp, with great bio-diversity. It is still rel­a­tively well pre­served regard­ing to the habi­tats in west Malay­isa. Besides P. allani, Pae­do­cypris, Sun­dadanio, B. browno­rum etc can be found here in the same habi­tat. And it seems to be the north­ern bound­ary of the dis­tri­b­u­tion if Paros in Bor­neo. This species is very col­or­ful, not only the unpaired fins with strong red, the body is also dressed with red color, which is quite rare for paros. Usu­ally the body side of paros is brown yel­low, with two black bands and no spe­cial color pat­tern. Except allani, only palu­di­cola, quin­decim and deiss­neri from some spe­cial habi­tat have such red color on body, but usu­ally less inten­sive than allani Allani Sibu is dif­fi­cult to keep and breed. Shy and requires good water con­di­tion, very sen­si­tive to ood­inium and bac­te­ria infec­tion. The full color is also rel­a­tive dif­fi­cult to bring out. But if they are in their best mood, very impres­sive. We hope their habi­tats can remain untouched in the future.