

Update on the P. deiss­neri habi­tat, Bangka Oct. 2019

The new update of the con­ser­va­tion state of P. deiss­neri in Bangka by the new trip of SJD in Oct. 2019.

Of course there are no good news from this island. The first habi­tat where deiss­neri was redis­cov­ered in 2017 by Went­ian Shi and Yuhan Dai, is now gone. This is a small river in the type local­ity area of the new Holo­type (1998). Now the upper part is burned down for plan­ta­tion, the down stream part is also burned down for Oil­palm. This makes the part where deiss­neri was dis­cov­ered and col­lected in 2017 com­pletely dry-out. The river is full of mud water and no paros or bet­tas inside any­more. If this site can recover in the future is of not much hope.This is just one more destroyed habi­tat of the flag­ship species of Pharosphromenus. In 2017 all old habi­tats of deiss­neri were already lost due to oil­palm and min­ing. Now this new one was also gone in just 2 years. This is the sad com­mon fate of many low­land parosphromenus species. If no con­ser­va­tion efforts are car­ried out in the future, we do not know how long the other habi­tats of deiss­neri can still sur­vive in the wild.